Open DT-Encyclopedia Project

[Developers' Diary - part uno - 062104]

I started plugging around with a tag-based search thing, motherfucking upload to my hosting is infinitely slow (20 secs for a 2kB file? GET LOST!!)

So far search is dynamic - you input smth, and it's giving you results in the same window without page reload, higlighting keywords (or part of them). Fucker is slow, need to find out what particularly delays are about.

But sketches look quite cool, after arranging data output (and when remote issue will be solved, so I won't be punching my keyboard any longer) - I'll show those bits I finished. Just search so far, but alphabetical index is going to use pretty much the same function, somehow overloaded... we'll see.
Well... This is takin' a while too, so I guess it'll will take a while for this to be something to look at. Am I right?

One thing.. We where discussing the Mikael-Stanne-caressing-his-metallic-equipment-thing. Should that be under Groping, Metallic or maybe Stanne? Undo said you knew everything Tranquillica-related. :lol:
Tritonus said:
Well... This is takin' a while too, so I guess it'll will take a while for this to be something to look at. Am I right?

One thing.. We where discussing the Mikael-Stanne-caressing-his-metallic-equipment-thing. Should that be under Groping, Metallic or maybe Stanne? Undo said you knew everything Tranquillica-related. :lol:

Equipment metallic, caressing the

:D :D :D
Its really hard to know who you are refering to without quoting anyone. But to make myself clear, I thought plintus would say something like "you are screaming like someone is splitting your ass from behind" or something like that. :lol:
marduk1507 said:
Its really hard to know who you are refering to without quoting anyone. But to make myself clear, I thought plintus would say something like "you are screaming like someone is splitting your ass from behind" or something like that. :lol:

She is a GIRL!!!!

I say such things to males only :heh: