Opener for Opeth's special New York performance on 02/23

This ballet group started doing this a while ago, possibly without Opeth knowing about it. So yeah, make fun of Opeth, and make fun of ballet done to metal music, but don't make fun of Opeth because people want to dance to their songs and the record labels/promoters want that shit to open up a metal show!
Opeth is gay, people that want to dance to oepth are gay, recor labels/promoters are gay, that shit to open up a metal show is gay, this ballet is gay, possibly is gay, knowing abou it is gay, make fun of gay, dont to metal music is gay.
They brought the ballet in to scare away all the metalcore fags that they attracted from playing Sounds of the Underground.

You know... Show those wannabee ninja fucks how to really dance.
Demonspell said:
Good call...I'd appreciate both the joke and the idea of a metal ballet...more if we weren't being robbed of Dark Tranquillity and Devin Townsend.

Dude - "robbed" of those two bands? You know how many other cities are jealous of NYCers for getting this show? Both those bands you're missing out on will be back around at some point, you can bank on it.
Arsis wrote a 13 minutes song for this ballet company. He was also going to do some guitarwork live during some of the performances. When I reviewed the ep I said I hoped it be something like that scene from Top Secret!, and he'd shred away while walking across the obscenely bulbous crotches of the male dancers.

I'm gonna see Opeth w/ DT and the Devin band. I'm pissed that I missed the Nevermore and Pelican legs, but as was already pointed out, I should be glad I'm not getting Devildriver.
Eminor said:
I'm gonna see Opeth w/ DT and the Devin band. I'm pissed that I missed the Nevermore and Pelican legs, but as was already pointed out, I should be glad I'm not getting Devildriver.

I hear Pelican fails it in a live setting, and that they're arrogant as all hell.
I've heard that said too, and I've also heard just the opposite. Either way, I'd much prefer them to the two bands I'm getting.
MadeInNewJersey said:
Just fuck ballet dancing opening for a fucking metal show.
Seeing how Opeth's very sophisticated audience spent Tapping the Vein's entire set yelling "show us your tits", at their female vocalist, I'd say this has the potential for serious ugliness.

General Zod said:
Seeing how Opeth's very sophisticated audience spent Tapping the Vein's entire set yelling "show us your tits", at their female vocalist, I'd say this has the potential for serious ugliness.
