Operation "Deprived Swede" is in Effect

Crimson Velvet said:
I can distribute all over eastern Oslo! All I ask is that you stop discussing that crappy post-rock music and such in these forums. :)
WE have the doritos WE have the power WE make the rules!

*makes solidarity fist, whatever that is*
it was completely worth it, in an effort to promote world peace and international understanding.

me =
this thread definitely rules. too bad i couldnt get in on the aid program start-up. this is going much smoother than the $5 i sent to one of our aussie friends. instead of receiving Issue #3 of Northern Shadows, all I got was an email saying he spent it on mexican food.
*diverts funds to Sweden* ;)
dorian gray said:
this thread definitely rules. too bad i couldnt get in on the aid program start-up. this is going much smoother than the $5 i sent to one of our aussie friends. instead of receiving Issue #3 of Northern Shadows, all I got was an email saying he spent it on mexican food.
*diverts funds to Sweden* ;)
:lol: shit that reminds me, i have to send/throw away my $5 haha
hang on, you can get smexican food in australia?

i can put that on my list o' countries i want to live in now.
i think he said he was actually *going* to mexico with the money *because* they had good food there. sorry about the confusion.
There aren't any mexican takeaways though, which sucks.

Those in the know-who, I still haven't received my own fucking copies of NS#3, aside from a dozen or so promo copies (which look kinda crappy, and are semi-colour printed). Apologies for the delay.

And this thread fucking rules.
don't forget: mine is supposed to be autographed by all the band members in the issue. we talked about this right?