Opeth are 3rd most requested


Sep 22, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Just noticed from opeth.com that Opeth were quite happy with having sold out the Melbourne show.

Thought the band might also like to know that 'Porcelain Heart' was the 3rd most requested show on (non-metal) radio show 'Super Request', on Triple J in Australia last night.

Congrats on the growing successes.
Opeth are actually really popular in Australia. Watershed debuted at number 7 on the charts here which is pretty cool because metal bands don't ever get in the charts here. Haha, when i met Mike Amott and Mike Portnoy (not at the same time, it was about a year and half apart) they both said to me 'What's up with all the Opeth shirts!?' because everyone was wearing them.
Yeah, there really popular here. I could say that almost every second time I go into the city, I see someone wearing an Opeth shirt.
Hah! That's nothing! They topped the charts in Finland!

...Oh yeah, we are considered the heavy metal country... :/
Pity they are nowhere near as popular in the UK.Our nation dosen't know good music if it hits us in the face unfortunately.The first metal album to be in the official charts for about 1,000 years is Iron Maiden's Somewhere Back In Time Best Of album.I suppose it's a start!
[KOTNO]Narrot;7442308 said:
that is a horrible statement considering your nation spawned king crimson, pink floyd, the beatles, all the that great prog bands, nick drake etc etc etc ...
I'm talking about the general british public in general not musicians!
[KOTNO]Narrot;7442308 said:
that is a horrible statement considering your nation spawned king crimson, pink floyd, the beatles, all the that great prog bands, nick drake etc etc etc ...

way to totally misinterpret that
[KOTNO]Narrot;7442605 said:
so those bands weren't popular in great britain?
Indeed they were,I should have made it more clear,it is of the 21st century brits that I speak of!Good chart music here seemed to die on it's arse in the 80's.Nickleback/Panic At The Disco and Fall Out Boy is as heavy it gets on local radio stations
Hi Folks. For those unaware, OPETH have put a lot of time, money and effort into building their Melbourne, Australia fanbase. I have seen them now 5 times (don't think I've missed a gig).....since 2004 or thereabouts........

Opeth deserve the support they get here because Opeth have supported us :headbang:

Yep, greatest metal band ever and we in Melbourne know quality when we hear and see it. Opeth at the CORNER HOTEL performed 2 of the best gigs I have ever seen.....and I'm lucky enough to have DVD footage of these gigs my wife and I attended.

I'm not surprised at all Melbourne has sold out. What surprised me, was only 1 gig????????????.....long way to travel to leave people locked out when the demand is there?????? On the Ghost Reveries tour, there were 2 gigs at THE BEST VENUE IN MELBOURNE "THE FORUM".....Gothic building...wicked as........my wife and I booked a hotel in town stayed both nights, went to both gigs, got smashed as and had the time fo our lives :Smokin:.........weird thing is that was in APRIL.....I was expecting Opeth back in April 2009....our anniversary time :loco:

In 1986, Metallica were the gods of metal.....OPETH well and truly and appropriately now have this title. They worked bloody hard for it.........thanks Opeth, we love you down under!!!! :headbang: