New Metal Member
i might try... im not sure how early ill get there though. oh and im 16
but dont worry, im hairy and i look about 20

chomps said:Dude! I'm already drunk! Moonlapse sucks, screw classes, you GOTTA come to this gig!
chomps said:Absolutely man! As long as you promise not to rape me in one of Melbourne's many darkened alley ways. How about we get a whole group of us to meet up in a pub in Flinders st for a few drinks before the shows?
Eternal Dragon said:Well today was just a waste of time. I spent an hour on the train getting into brisbane only to find that Skinny's music shop (who is meant to be selling tickets) not only doesnt have tickets yet, but they havent recieved anything saying that they will get tickets. Apparently they recieved Static X tickets one week late also so yeh i'm pretty pissed off that it could take that long.
jonnysdead said:i'll be going to both shows! just came home from southland with three tickets in my hand. 2 for me and one for my mum. i'm fairly new here, but you'll be able to spot me. i'll be the guy with the 50 year old woman at the bar.
mr_cellotape said:I don't mean to annoy you, but I went in to Rockinghorse this afternoon and got my ticket, so, maybe head in there tomorrow and grab one. Bit strange that one place would have them and other wouldn't, but I think they get them sent out in the mail, so could it have had something to do with that. Anyway, Rockinghorse has them.