Opeth, Come to my city!

hmm. I think I meant Camden. my bad.

Look you guys, there is nothing wrong with admitting that your state sucks shit. We have incredible mountains (that's where I am now, very Opeth-esque) and great beaches, but North Carolina is full of ignorant rednecks and ghetto blacks. New Jersey is built on one giant landfill. I'm sure there are nice spots, but overall, NJ is not where I want to raise my kids, you see? no offense, you guys, but really...NJ's crime rate is through the fucking roof. :(
the town i live in, toms river, is great for raising kids, so i'm not really concerned with areas like camden and newark. actually, i heard some stat that my town is the fatest growing town in the US a couple years ago..crazy shit.

never been to NC, so i can't bash it to much. and you calling NJ shit doesn't change my opinion, obviously.
Oinkness said:
I'd love to see Opeth play at the Post-gazette Pavilion.. though it'll never happen... :(

Star Lake!!
Been there a few times. But they're not big enough to play there.
Nicest lawn I've ever been on.
<crimson> said:
i heard some stat that my town is the fatest growing town in the US a couple years ago..crazy shit.

oh, so now you're bragging that your town is the fattest in the US? Come on dude, you are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
I've been to both states. Obviously, every state (with their imaginary borders and what-not) are gonna have some nice places and some not-so-nice places. That said, North Carolina fucking rules and New Jersey is a rancid shithole. But let's not get into a "west virginia's full of rednecks!" argument. So, as soon as you leave WV, everyone's a rich genius? No, you're in Ohio...which is another shithole. I know; I lived there for 25 years.
Sanzen said:
hmm. I think I meant Camden. my bad.

Look you guys, there is nothing wrong with admitting that your state sucks shit. We have incredible mountains (that's where I am now, very Opeth-esque) and great beaches, but North Carolina is full of ignorant rednecks and ghetto blacks. New Jersey is built on one giant landfill. I'm sure there are nice spots, but overall, NJ is not where I want to raise my kids, you see? no offense, you guys, but really...NJ's crime rate is through the fucking roof. :(
I don't understand what your basing your opinion on, you never responded to my question of whether or not youve ever been to NJ, and I would venture to say you haven't since calling it a landfill is so far off from what is actually true. NJ has cities like any other state, but it also has beautiful mountains, yes indeed the Appalachian Mountains do run through Northern NJ right by where I live. I have been to NC and i agree that it is a very nice state espeically the beaches and mountains. And anyway, I was bashing Pittsburg which I have also been too before any of the NJ stuf started, so back to my original post, Pittsburg sucks and so does Pennsylvania (I am currently at a college here) and it is by far the most boring state I have been too.
<crimson> said:
typo. i meant fastest, haggard.


Minion520 said:
I don't understand what your basing your opinion on, you never responded to my question of whether or not youve ever been to NJ, and I would venture to say you haven't since calling it a landfill is so far off from what is actually true. NJ has cities like any other state, but it also has beautiful mountains, yes indeed the Appalachian Mountains do run through Northern NJ right by where I live. I have been to NC and i agree that it is a very nice state espeically the beaches and mountains. And anyway, I was bashing Pittsburg which I have also been too before any of the NJ stuf started, so back to my original post, Pittsburg sucks and so does Pennsylvania (I am currently at a college here) and it is by far the most boring state I have been too.

Ok, I probably didn't make myself clear. my bad. I have no desire to go to NJ whatsoever. Yes, I'm sure there are nice spots, but the bottom line is that I think NJ is a very, very dirty place, full of very, very dirty people who are fond of knifing people and being rude. Obviously, I'm generalizing a bit - a lot of you people also love the crack cocaine.

Anyway, read this and tell me which ones aren't true.
Sanzen said:
think NJ is a very, very dirty place, full of very, very dirty people who are fond of knifing people and being rude.
bwahaha! except for minion and aka deliverance, of course.
Sanzen said:

Ok, I probably didn't make myself clear. my bad. I have no desire to go to NJ whatsoever. Yes, I'm sure there are nice spots, but the bottom line is that I think NJ is a very, very dirty place, full of very, very dirty people who are fond of knifing people and being rude. Obviously, I'm generalizing a bit - a lot of you people also love the crack cocaine.

Anyway, read this and tell me which ones aren't true.
Well the only response I have to that site is that the person obviously did not live where i do, my area is beautiful right by the mountains and 20 minutes from nyc that also is why nj is so expensive to live in, its a direct suburb of NYC property taxes are sky high, but it also means there is more money to be made, thus why bergen county is the second richest county in the nation, beverly hills is the only county ahead of it. I guess someone could make a site for any state cause no state is without its negatives. As for where that guy lives now, central pennsylvania (where my college is) is absolutely fuckin horribly, it consistently smells like shit from the farms and is full of fuckin drunk red necks who tend to drive drunk in broad daylight, don;t ask me why
Minion520 said:
my area is beautiful right by the mountains and 20 minutes from nyc that also is why nj is so expensive to live in, its a direct suburb of NYC property taxes are sky high, but it also means there is more money to be made, thus why bergen county is the second richest county in the nation, beverly hills is the only county ahead of it.

hey, can I have 20 bucks?
Sanzen said:
Anyway, read this and tell me which ones aren't true.

The New Jersey Supreme Court is the most activist state court in the nation

you can pick out the dumbasses when they say "activist courts". what the fuck is an activist court? it's fucking preposterous; it's just their way of saying "liberal". hey wise guy, liberal courts and legislation are the reason you went to public school, have an 8-hour workday, and don't have body parts in your food. except at wendy's .
sage204 said:
Hey, I see that you guys are coming to Canada.. But not my city!! I am such a huuuuge fan of opeth's music. I am so obsessed with Opeth that my g/f gets mad when I talk about opeth because I talk about opeth so much haha.. I'm definitely going to go to the saskatoon show, but it would be soo fucking awesome if you could come to Winnipeg, Manitoba (MB). You have a lot of fans here! I love the way everything is put together in your music. Keep up the good work!! Hopefully you can come to my city and see your fans here!! Rock on guys :rock: :rock: :wave: :worship:
You should be content enough knowing they're playing anywhere in central Canada. They could've easily done what very near every band does: announce a 'very thorough' Canadian tour and play Toronto, Montreal and maybe Vancouver.
And be very thankful you don't have my luck. I've lived in Saskatoon for 20 years and, now I'm no longer there, the band I tried getting everyone I know (and some I didn't) into decided to make a stop there. :erk: