Opeth - Do's and Dont's

Oh I used to argue on forums all the time, then I got made a mod and realised just how fucking annoying it is when people post total bullshit, and on this forum I'm not a mod and I just realised how pathetic and futile it is.
Yeah, arguments about peoples opinions are fine as long as they're intelligent discussions that don't sink to the level of a cockfight. The thing that annoys me on this forum are the people who post negative comments for the sole reason of either trying to look cool or just being plain fucking annoying. But intelligent discussion is fine.
affinityband said:
You uncultured swine.
You dont even listen/read to what other people have to say about music, when you could actually really enjoy something they suggest. My ego has nothing to do with it. But for you to go ahead and state art styles wrongly in an argument where you are trying to prove yourself correct is plain stupid.
WTF?? Nothing you said there has a shred of truth in it, or sense. You british twat. I have much more culture than you, just not as much posts. BTW I live in NY.
Well the two problems are people who are just knobs and people who take it too seriously. If there were just people who were knobs taht would be ok, 'cause people would just be able to say "Great...I'm not interested in discussing it any further", however there are some fools on here who actaully care what people online think of them, so this is how arguments start.
I think the greatest art is not made by man, but found in nature itself, and the organisms that evolved here on earth, along with the development of earth's dead matter itself, and how life could arise out of that dead matter.

1. Overgeneralisation and oversimplification of a large and varied group of people.
2. Negligence of subjectivity present in all interpretation of art.
3. :erk:
no number 3 is 'some mediator twit tries to play 'mature guy' by citing the tritest points in the world, namely that subjectivity and generalization r BADDDD :'('

illidurit said:
no number 3 is 'some mediator twit tries to play 'mature guy' by citing the tritest points in the world, namely that subjectivity and generalization r BADDDD :'('
To understand that everything is relative is possibly quite mature.
