Opeth DvD?

white shoe

May 6, 2003
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Well this is my first post here so don't flame me right away. Anyways I was wondering if any of you guys knew if Opeth is going to release a DvD? I already own every CD expet the Still Life one but I would give anything to see them on TV since I couldn't live.
Get out n00bie u sukk!!! :lol:

Did you check their website? http://www.opeth.com I haven't heard of a DVD release by them, but you never know. Lots of VHS bootlegs out there though, probably some on Kazaa or one of those other downloading places as well.

You should get Still Life, in my opinion it is Opeth's greatest CD. :)
opeth on dvd would be amazing
there's a few opeth videos on Kazaa
of Demon of the Fall, Forest of October and The Drapery Falls
excellent stuff
great fun
i wish there were more, as i haven't much of a way in obtaining vhs bootlegs
Nothing current, though they are considering doing a DVD release in the near future... (after the D2 tour presumably) Though it would most likely just be various studio sessions and other bits and pieces....

Surf around on the Official website ( www.opeth.com ) in the archived news section for long enough, and your bound to find where they discuss the idea.....

I've got some good news for you.
I asked this question on the Music For Nations-forum some weeks ago actually. Below is my question and the answer i got from the Music for nation staff.

Hello everyone at Music For Nations!!

Are there any plans on releasing the Opeth DVD??
The one that Mikael Åkerfeldt's friend Fredrik Odefjärd did during the recording of Blackwater park + some live footage from the live show in Borås with Porcupine Tree. Some of it was used for the Harvest "video" on the Limited edition of Blackwater park.

Keep it loud!!

The sun sets forever over Blackwater park

MFN Admin
Big Brother

United Kingdom
740 Posts
Posted - 14 Apr 2003 : 11:54:08

It is in the works. We hope to have it together by the end of the year. In any event, news will go up as soon as we have a date.

This is my first post on the Opeth forum, so I suppose you have the right to flame me!!
I have been to this forum on a regular basis the last three years but never registered until now.
Keep it loud and take care!
Mr Fawlty
Wtf? No live concert? Fuck, i want that shit, not just some studio shit (although that would be awsome aswell, but as a side thing of the DVD)

I hope they do a dubble DVD thing and put down some time into it. Big show, and then on the other DVD alot of backstage and interviews!
Mikael said in an interview recently that MFN was pushing for a live DVD, and he said they were boring but he'd do it.

It WOULD be nice if it was a big production with a concert and a bunch of studio footage on a 2nd disc or something. Or hell, two concerts, a normal one and a damnation one.
Yes, I saw an advertisment of Music For Nations about Damnation in
a magazine, and it put there the news about Opeth DVD to autumn.

It will be great. I hope it will have a lot of extra material apart of
the concerts, like the recording sessions of Blackwater and
Deliverance-Damnation, bacstage images, interviews....
They have to do an unique DVD, because they are unique also.
they will do by sure.
In the latest issue of Imhotep magazine (imhotepzine.com), there's an interview with Mikael where he says something about a possible DVD. Mikael tells that the recordings of Deliverance/Damnation were recorded on video as with the recordings of Blackwater Park. With interviews and stuff. He would like to do more documentary kinda thing than live stuff [qoute Imhotep: "....it's just that I don't like that live-sort of shit, I think it's boring...." (!!)]

Well, I sure hope for both things to appear - if there will be any Opeth DVD...
Mr Fawlty said:

I've got some good news for you.
I asked this question on the Music For Nations-forum some weeks ago actually. Below is my question and the answer i got from the Music for nation staff.

Hello everyone at Music For Nations!!

Are there any plans on releasing the Opeth DVD??
The one that Mikael Åkerfeldt's friend Fredrik Odefjärd did during the recording of Blackwater park + some live footage from the live show in Borås with Porcupine Tree. Some of it was used for the Harvest "video" on the Limited edition of Blackwater park.

Keep it loud!!

The sun sets forever over Blackwater park

MFN Admin
Big Brother

United Kingdom
740 Posts
Posted - 14 Apr 2003 : 11:54:08

It is in the works. We hope to have it together by the end of the year. In any event, news will go up as soon as we have a date.

This is my first post on the Opeth forum, so I suppose you have the right to flame me!!
I have been to this forum on a regular basis the last three years but never registered until now.
Keep it loud and take care!
Mr Fawlty