Opeth fan base

Reveries said:
actually devin townsend lives in port coquitlam. but close i guess. and yes i hate maple ridge too. but even the citizens here know where devin townsend resides.
Actually he lives in Pitt Medows. Which I pretty much consider to be maple ridge.
I live in a small town and there are some people who say they listen to metal, but their idea of metal is stuff like Cold.
They're quite popular here, a lot of my friends likes them... and they sold out three shows in a row here in Finland, so that might give you a picture... oh yeah, and Ghost Reveries went into the Finnish Top 10.
let's see.... I know of 10 or so opeth fans, including me. I think probably 8 have Opeth as their favorite band, including me. But we should spread the good word to those who haven't heard Opeth. I'm sure we can win some converts.
I would not be surprised if there were a few fans in my town, but I certainly do not know any. The only way I ever really know there is another Opeth fan is if a. they are wearing merch or b. when I walking around in an Opeth shirt and I hear someone call out "Opeth Rules!" (which has actually happened several times)
I have tried to get my friends to listen to Opeth, but have only converted 2. Most of my friends look at me like im fucking nuts when I play it. I have one friend who hates metal so I make sure when she is in my car to blast some Opeth to piss her off. I can't wait until I move back to the city, where it is normal.
Babetee1 said:
I have tried to get my friends to listen to Opeth, but have only converted 2. Most of my friends look at me like im fucking nuts when I play it. I have one friend who hates metal so I make sure when she is in my car to blast some Opeth to piss her off. I can't wait until I move back to the city, where it is normal.

Did you try and soften the blow by letting them get used to Damnation? I would think you would get either a "oh my god, that is so cool but weird in a way" or "What the hell is this??" If you get the "oh my god," it will only be a matter of a few listens before they are hooked....

After the hooking is successful, you throw in a little Morningrise (TBYF) and then BRI (But you will have to skip to certain parts fast the first time through). I swear BRI is 6 songs in one!!!

If that fails, they have no creative musical soul and there really is no hope:grin:

I would think that they would have to be fans of Tool, Dream Theater, Queensryche, or already into Death Metal.
Oh yeah, as for people i got into Opeth, there's my girlfriend, about 8 other "real" friends, and probably close to 30-40 people online. Mind you this was years ago, so most of the people i "converted" already liked metal a lot. Believe it or not, there was a time when Opeth took some searching to find out about :p
I've converted 2. I'm working on 3 more that are probable. Just need to ease them in with Damnation and smack them around with some MAYH.