New Metal Member
If you don't like the fanclub, there's no need to be a COMPLETE DICK about it, he came here trying to organize something, he never insulted anyone, if you don't like the idea just leave it.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Im a complete dick? i guess i no longer have to be insecure about my dick
thanks oyo you made my day
Originally posted by Raven777
Misanthrope's cool, and I hear your advice dude, it's just that I'm willing to try out this thing I hear called 'communication'though it seems not to be working...
I never expected such a screwed up reaction on this board to this proposal, but I guess it's here, so what can I do? I expected criticism, but not total fucking annihilation.
Yeah, as soon as I calmy and politley respond to somebody's comments, they go attack another thing I said. Typical, very typical. I'm not surprised. Let this be a testament to human weakness. You people that are doing this are doing nothing original... temporary gratification. Millions of people have done it millions of times before. I am not affected.
If you can't understand that this is not a standard 'fanclub' per-se as you have been brainwashed by your life to believe, then I don't know what to say. Opeth is a non-typical band. This will be a non-typical fanclub.
At least we're doing something.
That is all I will say...
Originally posted by Sadistik
We're doing nothing original on this board?Oh shit, I thought we were fighting for a cure for Cancer! Thanks for informing me! We know this is nothing original, but a fanclub isn't either. You can take your shitty bands that I have never heard of (despite the fact that I am active in the LA underground-no Sadistic Intent, Nokturne, Noctuary, Ritual, Inhuman Visions, or Infamy? Thats right, good bands don't do lame shit like this) and have them play fucked up Opeth covers for your co-friends. Start idolizing, and when you just can't bear it, start a magazine "Opeth in Pictures" so you little 12 year old girls can sit around getting your undies in a bunch over Mikaels newest 'stache style.
Originally posted by Wolff
Holy shite,
Sadistik has gone into a new level. You have earned yourself a co-chairman of the anti-fanclub fanclub. No dues for you