Opeth Fans, A Dumber Class of Tool Fans?


reltiH flodA

Certainly they both share abominable tastes in music...
I'm hardly a racist. Perhaps a misanthrope, but I am, in the parlance, an "equal opportunity hater."
Originally posted by Oyo
His name is Adolf Hitler spelled backward, that is so stupid.

Hitler was a piece of shit

Or as it was so artfully put in The Sum of All Fears, "They said Hitler was crazy, but he wasn't. He was just stupid."

I am the anti-Führer!
Originally posted by Useful Idiot
Ha, this kid registered five days ago and is already trying to start shit. Keep at it, sonny.

This is a new handle. I've been here for more than a year.
Originally posted by Lordenlil
It's Quisling, the betrayer!!! Kill him!!!!

Vintersorg has NS as well as Odhinnist leanings...
Originally posted by Oyo
Do you think quoting a Tom Clancy book makes you smart?

I'm pretty sure it wasn't in the original 600+ pages of meaningless technical data that Clancy tried to pass off as a novel (considering that there was no neo-Nazi/fascist connection in the original plot).
Adolf! I love you!
Here is the present I promised!

Originally posted by Lordenlil
Oooooh - really? Oh nooooooo!
But he is not Quisling, you are.
*kicks reltiH flodA in the groin*

Wouldn't one have to be a traitor to be a Quisling? Since I have betrayed nothing, I could hardly be a Quisling, now could I...
Originally posted by Oyo
wtf are you talking about? It was in the movie anyways.

but who cares, it still doesn't make you smart.

The fact that you would come here to start shit shows you're not very smart anyways.

Nothing MAKES you smart (well, beyond certain biological factors), and, in truth, most INTELLIGENT people occasionally have fun at the expense of their inferiors. The fact that you rise to every little chunk of bait tossed in your general direction doesn't speak well of YOUR intelligence, neighbor.
Originally posted by Lordenlil
You have betrayed your own integrity by posting this shit!
The worst betrayal ever!

I would betray my integrity only if I hid the truth for fear of offending Opeth fans and other subsimians.
Originally posted by Oyo
I never said I was smart :p

Ok, your "inferiors", musical taste is just that, taste. I like deathmetal also, just I like other stuff more than deathmetal. I think that a cannibal corpse fan insulting another band, I only need to say "entrails ripped from a virgin's cunt", nice lyrics.

Who said I was a Cannibal Corpse fan? I just troll their forum.
Originally posted by Lordenlil
You suuure are a strange one. What school did you go to if any?
Der Retardische Nazijugend?

Davidson College undergrad

I'm currently in grad school at Duke.
Originally posted by Lordenlil

I left nothing out... your mother sent me that. Blame her, not me.

You must be a powerful necromancer indeed.