Opeth Fans, A Dumber Class of Tool Fans?

Originally posted by Juggie

Those bands are full of shit.

Why, because they prove you wrong? Typically, an inversion of spelling indicates inversion of delineated meaning...
Originally posted by Black Heart

you took me seriously?
How can I be serious?

The man said in the CC forum that all Jews should be killed.... I'M JEWISH!

I cant believe on you Jayde...

I don't know what goes on in the CC forum!

And I'm sorry, I did forget you were Jewish.

I take it back, forgiveness please :cry:
Originally posted by Black Heart

you took me seriously?
How can I be serious?

The man said in the CC forum that all Jews should be killed.... I'M JEWISH!

I cant believe on you Jayde...

What's even funnier is that you took something posted in the Cannibal Corpse forum seriously. Are you familiar with the old canard about taking things, "With a grain of salt?"
Goatse.cx IS a bit excessive. But you develop an immunity to it if you spend enough time on internet forums.
Originally posted by Black Heart


I don't know man I REALLY love Opeth while on the order hand I dig Tool but I find they get a little boring.. hell I might even prefer Dead Soul Tribe to them.. I get a kind of Tool vibe listening to Dead Soul Tribe.

(Dead Soul Tribe is Devon Graves (ie. Buddy Lackey from Psychotic Waltz's) new band... check it out!)

Anyway.. if you want to be ignorant that's cool but go somewhere where your ignorance will work. I mean you came here bashing a lot of people's favorite band and you didn't even really get that much hostility at all.. just people trying to figure out what you were up to.

Psychotic Waltz was a GREAT band, though not as good as say, Mekong Delta.
Mekong Delta?

Tell me more please.. I am pretty up to date on most progressive acts.. (I get bored and like to browse the Gibralter Encyclopedia of Progressive Rock! Hells yea! www.gepr.net) but I've never come across them..


Goodness? <---- hehe goodness...

Originally posted by Autumn Falls
Mekong Delta?

Tell me more please.. I am pretty up to date on most progressive acts.. (I get bored and like to browse the Gibralter Encyclopedia of Progressive Rock! Hells yea! www.gepr.net) but I've never come across them..


Goodness? <---- hehe goodness...


They were a late 80's early 90's German prog act, sort of something along the lines of WatchTower meets neoclassicism. Great, great stuff.
Not as far as I know. Scan flea markets and used disc stores for bargains, their material tends to fetch obscene prices at auction.
Adolf...you are pathetic...you come here and start tossing around your pseudo-intellectual babblings, mostl likely in the hope that online individuals won't think of you as the loser that most real life people find you to be... so, in true intellectualist fashion, I saw unto thee "FUCK OFF AND DIE"
You "saw unto the?"

If you're going to question my intellectual capacity, you might start by learning to express yourself in the English language. You could even try not making up words in an effort to lend intellectual credibility to your "arguments," as the actual effect is to lay bare the truth; you're trying too hard.
last I saw, typos weren't the huge issue you make them out to be...maybe your ego just needs to be inflated by nitpicking, but I still think you are an idiot...
Originally posted by Sadistik
last I saw, typos weren't the huge issue you make them out to be...maybe your ego just needs to be inflated by nitpicking, but I still think you are an idiot...

I just found it particularly amusing, especially considering your rather forced attempts at feigning "intellectual" syntax and vocabulary.