Opeth fans, what's in your cd player right now?

Since you work for Apple, could you answer this question? Does my iPod battery have a warranty? I've had my iPod for about 10 months now and the battery life is down to 2-3 hours on a full recharge. I've also dropped it a couple of times and had water get into it about 6 months ago, but I'm hoping they won't find that out if I can claim something :)

Franz Schubert - String Quartet in D minor, D. 810, 'Death and the Maiden': Scherzo - Allegro Molto
Just got Pain of Salvation- Be. Some interesting stuff there. Been listening to Lamentantions- Windowpane on repeat for the last hour tho =)
the concept blows my mind. it's insane... have you seen the amount of actual research daniel did for that?

NP: Riverside - Second Life Syndrome. (another excellent cd)
not yet! just getting into them.. havent listened to the whole album yet, keep on turning on opeth every now and then.
What a day... missed my job, cause only woke up at noon and then spent half of the day drawing opeth logo and that's it! hehe.