Opeth in Boulder, Colorado 7/28

Apr 13, 2002
Aurora, Colorado
What an awesome show. Opeth was flawless and kicked ass. This show was even better than the heavier show in the beginning of the year. Damnation sounds much better live, especially Closure with the extended middle and heavier ending. Benighted was cool, and To Bid You Farewell was the highlight of the show for me. Amazing song, and it was played to perfection. I thought the cover of Soldier of Fortune was a bit of a strange choice, and I would rather they would have played another Opeth song instead of it (such as Harvest), but oh well. Face Of Melinda was a good closer as well.

Porcupine Tree were okay, kind of boring but still played well. Their set felt a bit drawn out, but maybe that was just the anticipation for Opeth kicking in. Steven Wilson was pretty funny, cracking jokes in between every song and messing with the Opeth fans.

Speaking of, one thing that irritated about the show was the fans. Last night I learned that a good amount of Opeth fans only like the heavy stuff and are just your typical mosh pit morons. There was this couple that would start a bit whenever there was a distorted guitar (and sometimes when there wasn't). This guy would just throw his girlifrend into anybody around him and was just overall being a big asshole. People were moshing during To Bid You Farewell even. Sometimes I wonder if many of the fans even understand what Opeth is all about, or if they come just to mosh for an hour and a half.

Overall though, it was an excellent show, and one of the best I've seen.
Yeah, I drove about 11 hours to that show, it was fucking badass. Yeah I also wonder if these fanboys even understand what opeth is about. The moshing started to piss me off. But oh well, i didn't let the unexpected pushing get to me. The majority of the people there, were there for the music. I met some cool people there who came from far away to see some good music. I enjoyed the show a lot.

Opeth had the day off the day before the show, and I ran into Martin Lopez on the street. I got my lp's signed. It was a cool experience.
I too was fortunate enough to attend the show the other day at the Boulder Fox. My 2nd time seeing Opeth this year, after the Deliverance tour, and my god, I might almost go as far as to say this performance far exceeded their earlier, heavier show.

In my eyes, Porcupine Tree was right on par with Opeth. Steven Wilson has an amazing voice, and the band as a whole are nothing short of incredible. When they began to play "She's Moved On", I became so excited, that song being one of my favorites by them. They had so much energy in their music, and managed to be very powerful without having to resort to heavy distortion and ear-splitting growling vocals (But don't get me wrong, when I'm in the right mood, heavy distortion and ear-splitting vocals are just what I need :cool: )

Unfortunately, about 2/3rds of the way through Opeth's set, my girlfriend became very ill (actually she was pretty ill the entire show, but she was ready to pass out by this time), so I had to depart before I had a chance to hear Face of Melinda, Benighted, and To Bid You Farewell, so that was kind of a bummer for me, but oh well, life goes on.

And I too was extremely fucking irritated with the moshers. The last time they came through, it was fine, I mean who the hell could resist moshing to Demon Of The Fall? To me, moshing during some of the Damnation songs, and also during some of Porcupine Tree's songs, was extremely fucking disrespectful. If I weren't such a strong Opeth fan, I would have made my way to the upper balcony to get away from the retard 16 year olds who were expecting a "Fuck on the floor and break shit" (thank you Mr. Henry Rollins :D) type of concert.

Overall it was a great experience, but the moshers and a sick girlfriend kind of made it a bit of a bummer, but I do not regret going in any way shape or form.
the show was amazing. i was an opeth concert virgin before that show and i was amazed. they played an awesome set, but i have to agree with everyone here. the idiots who decided to mosh during closure were really damn annoying. i could not even hear mikael when the heavier part was done and he came back in with the quiet acoustic part. people were still screaming. the same guys too.....anyway, enough bitching. the majority of the crowd were good fans there to see music, not to kill somebody in the pit. okay, one more funny quote i heard from one of these idiots......"i came down in the pit for these guys, cause i knew i could fuck someone up".........hmmm....enough said?

okay, around 11 a.m., me and my girlfriend were driving around and i saw someone walk into a little computer shack, i went in there and it was steve wilson checking his email. i almost shit myself. i was meeting my god's god. he was really cool. i also met mikael in a little record store about 4 hours before the show. i was in heaven.

well, the show was unreal. now i cant wait to hear their next album. in the words of mikael, it will be "very extreme". ooooo, cant wait.
Speaking of, one thing that irritated about the show was the fans. Last night I learned that a good amount of Opeth fans only like the heavy stuff and are just your typical mosh pit morons. There was this couple that would start a bit whenever there was a distorted guitar (and sometimes when there wasn't). This guy would just throw his girlifrend into anybody around him and was just overall being a big asshole. People were moshing during To Bid You Farewell even. Sometimes I wonder if many of the fans even understand what Opeth is all about, or if they come just to mosh for an hour and a half.

Congratulations, you have just described 99% of Opeth fans that live in NYC. Ugh.