Opeth listening session and review-Orchid


Apr 8, 2003
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I mean this has probably been done before but hey.
First, an in depth listening session of Orchid is required.
Then a discussion of the album track by track.
Or even if we take it to the extremes a listening session track by track which is perhaps extreme.
But I guess what I am interested in is listening to the tracks then posting soon after, so hey the moments of metal are there.
The thing is how often do we post just after or even during listening to Opeth.
I guess I am interested in an indepth reevaluation of Orchid now that we are & albums in.
Anyone who is interested post or email me for a time to do this.
In depth analysis of beauty usually only leads to find the slight flaws in the overall beatifull package, something I dont care to do.

There is however something still special, free, and untamed about Orchid, and evokes in me the kind of emotion you get from say seeing a large group of horses running free, untamed, unrestrained, allowed to do as they please, and uttery beautifull.
Black stallions...maybe I should look up some Freudian psychoanalysis.

Well its just an idea to analyse that amazing debut.

Then again if I noticed a slight rhythmic flaw at 2:34 of the opening track maybe the horses stumbled.
The thing is that you described your emotions, which is part of a review. You just did what you said you didn't care to do.
In depth analysis of beauty usually only leads to find the slight flaws in the overall beatifull package, something I dont care to do.

I would love to have actual fans review their albums. It sure beats the crap out of people who have no great love for the music doing it.
all i have to say is The Apositle in Triumph. that has taken over my playlist as of late. the whole cd is the fucking win. its my fav cd of all time so far. i love all there cds. but Orchid beats down.
fuck yeah...

i know this is probably the fourth time i've quoted this off The Apostle in Triumph.. but it just owns...


when he says 'wisdom' bblllaaaggghrrrrr instant chills
I was blown away by Orchid, it was the last Opeth album i bought, and i was thinking that it would be slightly less beautiful, i don't know why, but just because it waws their first one. BUt that actually gave me a beeter feeling about it, I put it on and was like Holy fuck, this is their FIRST album and it's amazing

good shit
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Well if I ever have another in-depth Orchid listening session (tends to happen daily for me) I might get my ass off and actually post what I think about it. I'm just afraid of pointing out all those acoustic flaws where the strings buzz, or say Anders goes off-time on a drum fill. But all in all, I suppose those flaws contribute to the overall raw package... my favourite Opeth album still.
Truthfully, that cd might not have much meaning for them anymore. Surely not for the two Martins and Mikael and Peter often talk about how they have to move one. So while they still go back and play some stuff from older cds you have to realize they've just released another 2 so... Yah.

By the way, can anyone name another band that puts interlude tracks that are brilliant like Requiem and Silhouette? I just don't think there are that many. That is some of the best mordern instrumental only work.
Kajue said:
The thing is that you described your emotions, which is part of a review. You just did what you said you didn't care to do.

I would love to have actual fans review their albums. It sure beats the crap out of people who have no great love for the music doing it.

What I meant was I dont care to pick it apart track by track, section by section, as another poster has proved you start to notice the subtle flaws that detract slightly from the beauty.
In my opinion those subtle flaws are just that, subtle. The flaws though not technically, add to the beauty. Opeth's music for me influences my emotions more than anyhting else and so I don't mind the flaws. But that's why reviews are so much opinion...
Well those little flaws are what i am interested in from an excessively analytical bent.
I would argue you can listen to Opeth any way you like.
So I like to really focus on the musicianship.
So what.
I would say to the those that see this sort of approach as not their thing, don't participate.
If you are a musician that likes to pull apart what an artist does fine. Take part. If you are not don't deny us this pleasure that every muso does. They do analyse every little thing.
I would argue that more information only increases the beauty. If I find out how that progression worked it cetainly increases my appreciation but maybe not yours.

i guess once you know how and are equipped with a certain amount of music theory and can play, the "magic" and the "mystery" goes out. But that is replaced by the art of actually making it and understanding how they do it.
As a reasonably accomplished musician I think this forum can handle that, as i am sure there are other musicians that view this site.