Opeth listening session and review-Orchid

I'm not against you at all, I'm actually for you doing it. The fact that I don't actually play guitar, or bass, or drums doesn't mean I don't agree with you. I just wish people would stop being so, "anti-analysis".
Something i have noticed on here....

Although i may be the "Noob" of the board...Alot, and i mean...A hell of alot of people dont know as much Opeth as they claim to. But, I mean come on...

Its not like you cant at least download it for a listen before you buy the cd.

Orchid...Is beautiful. Not only in musicianship and lyrics...But, Also for the mental landscapes. You have some of the best growls i know of, mixed with some of the best acoustic riffs and clean lyrics in the world.

Anyone that has not listened to Orchid at least 100 times is missing out big time.