I first heard Opeth with Still Life, at the time around the BWP release. When I had amassed their entire catalogue (I went Still Life, then Damnation, then BWP and MAYH simultaneously, then Orchid, then Lamentations, then Deliverance, then Morningrise. Oh, and now GR) it amazed me the shift from Morningrise (which I feel is quite different from Orchid) to My Arms, Your Hearse.
I am not asking about which style you prefer cause that has been beaten to death. I am asking though what your thoughts were. I can't imagine getting all geared up for the release listening to Morningrise and then hearing April Ethereal come blasting out of the speakers. It has always seemed to me like it would be such a confusing moment, maybe because when I first heard the first two albums after hearing the newer sound(s) first it was such an huge shock and almost alienation.
Now to some maybe this seems like a shit thread, but I have wondered this for a long time now, and it's better than a "what is your favorite footwear of any Opeth member thread".
So, fans who got into Opeth before MAYH was ever even recorded, what were your initial thoughts/reactions when you first heard MAYH after following them through Orchid and Morningrise?
I am not asking about which style you prefer cause that has been beaten to death. I am asking though what your thoughts were. I can't imagine getting all geared up for the release listening to Morningrise and then hearing April Ethereal come blasting out of the speakers. It has always seemed to me like it would be such a confusing moment, maybe because when I first heard the first two albums after hearing the newer sound(s) first it was such an huge shock and almost alienation.
Now to some maybe this seems like a shit thread, but I have wondered this for a long time now, and it's better than a "what is your favorite footwear of any Opeth member thread".

So, fans who got into Opeth before MAYH was ever even recorded, what were your initial thoughts/reactions when you first heard MAYH after following them through Orchid and Morningrise?