Yeah, I havent seen Decapitated live yet, got all thier albums, it'd be great to see them. Who is this Akercocke? Never heard of them.
Tickets SHOULD arrive soon.
Haha, I told my g/f that I was going, and she wants to come. I was like 'HUH?! You like pop love, why you wanna come see one of the most influencial and best Metal bands on the planet play live in a small pub with loads of smelly goths everywhere!!
She goes 'It'd be and experience'
I said fair enough. Gotta fork out another £14 just so she can whine and whinge in my eas all night that she is cold or its too loud, get them to turn it down, or some bloody crap that she usual says when I got Opeth cranked when she comes up mine.

Tickets SHOULD arrive soon.
Haha, I told my g/f that I was going, and she wants to come. I was like 'HUH?! You like pop love, why you wanna come see one of the most influencial and best Metal bands on the planet play live in a small pub with loads of smelly goths everywhere!!

She goes 'It'd be and experience'
I said fair enough. Gotta fork out another £14 just so she can whine and whinge in my eas all night that she is cold or its too loud, get them to turn it down, or some bloody crap that she usual says when I got Opeth cranked when she comes up mine.
