Opeth Music Video :o

So, the question remains... did he hit the cancel button and waste the time it took him to get down to halfway, or keep it going as a 'meh, I got this much, I may aswell keep going' reaction.
Moonlapse said:
So, the question remains... did he hit the cancel button and waste the time it took him to get down to halfway, or keep it going as a 'meh, I got this much, I may aswell keep going' reaction.

I want to know too.
Haha, I downloaded that a while ago on kazaa and it labeled as a Bleak live video. I couldn't view it while it was downloading and I remembered that I was so pissed off when I watched after it had finished.
Is vampire hunter D itself anygood? I might download it.

Oh and has anyone ever seen the anime berserk? Damn good, and worth watching if you have the means.

EDIT I missed segaszivos saying it was good, guess ill give it a shot. After all getting it is free