Opeth on tv anyone?

Sep 14, 2007
I´m wondering if there is any recorded interviews with the Opeth-members out in the world. I know that they played live here in sweden on a morning news show a couple of years ago, and if someone knows if they were being interviewed too i would like to see that. Or any tv interview for that sake. It would seem weird to me if there werent any, Opeth becoming more popular by the minute and so.
Actually i just watched some footage from Rock World TV from the Roundhouse gig - missed most of it though. will be on the look out for repeats. 368 on Sky.
oh no, i lied, it's still on and pretty good. though they're only playing about 2 mins of each song.

i know it's slightly off topic and i'm gunna get some kind of comment about this but...just to clarify something...who was supposed to be on drums at the roundhouse gig?
Opeth is reaching new heights in popularity for a death metal band, I think. But...anything with harsh vocals and as heavy as Opeth are will not be on any big networks I don't think the general public takes well to it. Don't think I'll see Opeth on Tyra anytime soon. :eek:
I doubt there really is an Opeth interview made for bigger audiences. There's no need and no chance for that. Opeth's art, not something with high comercial value.