Opeth on TV


Apr 5, 2003
Hey, ive been watching Uranium and Headbanger's ball lately cause I heard Opeth was on one of them at one time.... And since TV sucks I figured it'd be EASY to find a rerun. But I havent seen them yet, has Opeth really been on any tv station? *cries*

Uranium - Fuse
Headbanger's Ball - MTV2

BrandonS said:
Hey, ive been watching Uranium and Headbanger's ball lately cause I heard Opeth was on one of them at one time.... And since TV sucks I figured it'd be EASY to find a rerun. But I havent seen them yet, has Opeth really been on any tv station? *cries*

Uranium - Fuse
Headbanger's Ball - MTV2


i have not seen them on headbanger's ball, but i dont think they were there.

they have been on Uranium twice. One of them was at the milwake (yes i know i spelled that wrong) hardcore/metalfest. i forgot where the other was. they were interviewed for about 5-8 minutes in each one.

might want to check the fuse website, they usually explain what episodes will be playing in the future and with whom they will be interviewing.
Anthropophagus said:
i have not seen them on headbanger's ball, but i dont think they were there.

they have been on Uranium twice. One of them was at the milwake (yes i know i spelled that wrong) hardcore/metalfest. i forgot where the other was. they were interviewed for about 5-8 minutes in each one.

might want to check the fuse website, they usually explain what episodes will be playing in the future and with whom they will be interviewing.

I checked the Fuse website! It was confusing and it only showed like 10 episodes... Then I clicked on 'show all episodes' and it showed 10 and I was like 'meh'.
BrandonS said:
Hey, ive been watching Uranium and Headbanger's ball lately cause I heard Opeth was on one of them at one time.... And since TV sucks I figured it'd be EASY to find a rerun. But I havent seen them yet, has Opeth really been on any tv station? *cries*

Uranium - Fuse
Headbanger's Ball - MTV2


I did see Opeth on Fuse (Uranium - Channel 339 or something :P ). It was about a month ago and it was an interview with Peter and Mikael only. It was a very funny interview. She asked Mikael why Damnation was soft and he replied that it was something that he had always wanted to do, but he followed his dreams because a friend (SW) reconmended him to. He also said that it was an attempt to go mainstream. Then they talked about how they don't get to shower much on tour and they usually smell like ass. They said that they don't wash their clothes and that they wear one underwear for a week or two. She asked how they hold their bladder on stage. Mikael said that he usually has to go right before he goes on stage, but once he starts playing it all goes away. Mikael and Peter also refered to how John Bonhom shit his pants while drumming during one of Zepplin's.

I hope that it comes on again so I can record it and DC to you guys.
Haha! It would be very cool if Opeth released a 2 DVD set, live concert of all their favorites and a DVD 'interview' or commentary, or whatever they are called on dvds.. I know thats a bit off topic but it would stop the 'i cant find opeth on tv' shinannigans!
On Headbanger's Ball, they were doing a New England Metal Fest thing and Iann from MTV2 was just asking different bands questions and Mikael and Peter were asked. They were on it for approx. 3 seconds. They have been interviewed twice on Uranium. One from the Irving Plaza show from the Deliverance Tour and NEMF.
If anyone has copies of the Uranium shows or any other interviews that they could send me, i would be eternally grateful and gladly pay. :notworthy
segaszivos said:
Hmm, if i catch it then I will mail you a copy if you paypal the expenses (prolly something like $3-5 USD).

wow, segaszivos, that would be awesome. then i can sell them on ebay for 3 times that. muhahahaha. well, maybe not. but they would certainly make me a very happy girl.