Opeth song titles/lyrics


Oct 19, 2004
On Deliverance I don't understand the titles to Wreath, Master's Apprentices, and By the Pain I see in Others. Wreath seems to be about a nightmare, but what does wreath actually mean....same with MA and BTPISIO. What are the songs about, the titles don't seem to jive with the subject matter (whatever that may be). Thanks.
n. pl. wreaths (rthz, rths)

A ring or circlet of flowers, boughs, or leaves worn on the head, placed on a memorial, or hung as a decoration.
A representation of this ring or circlet, as in woodwork.
A curling or circular form: a wreath of smoke.
thank you. I know what a wreath is. We hang one up during Christmas. But I can't figure out why Wreath is the title of the song. What does a wreath have to do with nightmares (if that's what the song is about).
in 'old times' a wreath was used at funerals, maybe even today i dont know, anyhow mikaels always singing about death or death related subject matter so im sure its not to far from that.....then again i could be talking out of my ass
asztrod said:
why is bleak called bleak?:P isn't that a fish or something...

Yeah it is a fish, but im sure it's reffering to the other meaning of the word: as in having no hope.


Another thing I constantly see on the net, is the misconception that The Drapery Falls, is reffering to a waterfall. Its not.
Steedus said:
Yeah it is a fish, but im sure it's reffering to the other meaning of the word: as in having no hope.


Another thing I constantly see on the net, is the misconception that The Drapery Falls, is reffering to a waterfall. Its not.

what does the drapery falls mean then?
Drapery is another word for a cloth or piece of clothing, 'draped' over something. Also can mean curtains (drapes).

I always imagined it was a piece of clothing (a hood or something) that 'falls' from the person in the song.

While I don't know for certain, i'm sure this is what the title is reffering to, rather than a waterfall. I could be wrong..
Or drapery meaning the mask of sanity that we all wear. The act people put on falling away to reveal the real them. Not so nice from the lyrics. I prefer that character with the "drapery" on I think, rather than being evil and murderous and all!
vampyrouss said:
Or drapery meaning the mask of sanity that we all wear. The act people put on falling away to reveal the real them. Not so nice from the lyrics. I prefer that character with the "drapery" on I think, rather than being evil and murderous and all!
That's pretty much what I thought. Although in my mind the image was drapery, as in curtains, covering a window.

What about 'Moonlapse Vertigo?' What's THAT mean? And 'Godhead's Lament' I never got that one either. There's no Godhead lamenting anything in that song...
As far as wreath goes -- back in ye olden days, they would actually hang a wreath on your tombstone to keep your spirit at bay. I have no idea if that relates to the song, but there's some food for thought.
It would seem like that yeah, a Wreath to mark the characters grave/death and keep his evit spirit at bay. Obviously a bad guy, lots of twisted visions he reflects on, hears childrens laughter, possibly a child murderer? Or maybe thats one of the only good thoughts he remembers or hears? But says they are out of time, so probably something that annoyed him or seemed wrong to him, so I guess more likely he killed children.

Uhhh... thats all I can come up with. The only thing is the question is the character really dead and buried or is that a nightmare that's always the same? Or does he mean literally being buried is a nightmare? And is he buried alive, or speaking from the afterlife? I think there are supposed to be lots of options but yeah its definatly confusing. Thats what I got from it anyway.
hhhhmmm... Godhead's Lament. I take it from the lyrics of The Moor that he is thinking about Melinda in it, but never actually meets her, and this song seems like their first meeting since the guy returning. Probably in a graveyard, with some bringing all they have seen. As in all the memories of the dead remain in the place the body is buried. Perhaps most of them are people he put there? Or if not a graveyard the place where lots of death occured.

And that's pretty much it right? He arrives at this place and feels like he is an open book and can't hide his sordid past, he's scanning the place, looking at how its changed and whatever, remembering how it was, and then she comes into it maybe just visiting the place or sensing him, who knows. But yeah. Thats what it seems to me.