Deliverance Cover and Info

I think the cover is fucking COOL!!

Like the song titles, it does have a more personal touch, less trippy and psychedelic, more "real". I think that's great.

Mikael was saying how this is going to be their most proggy and heavy one yet, fuck that's cool. Fuckity-fuck!!

Originally posted by IanDork107
How do you know?

A journalist friend who has a copy. I am actually glad its copyprotected. Hopefully there will be no way to go around it, but no system is totally secure so you never know...
Originally posted by Stinkfist
Copy-proof cd's can be made uncopy-proof using a black merker pen. The new Foo Fighters album was sent out on promo as a cassette, I thought that was a good idea.

Now how exactly is this done with a black marker?
I hope the regular one isn't. I rip all my CDs for convenience, and spreading. Doing it in analog mode or marking up the CD would hurt.
Originally posted by Hondo
I hope the regular one isn't. I rip all my CDs for convenience, and spreading. Doing it in analog mode or marking up the CD would hurt.

I agree, it would be a big bitch to have to actually find the CD and put it in a player everytime I wanted to listen to it, mp3's are american convenience (laziness) at it's finest.
Makes the CDs last longer too. If I used my actual CDs as much as I listen to some of my music, they'd be as scratched up as my friend's old black album that skipped on half the tracks.
There is such thing as rip protection? I was under the impression that CDs can only be copy-protected so as you can't burn it... I'm sure you'll still be able to rip the songs into mp3... and as for burning, there is software that burns the protection along with the rest of the CD, so should be no problems there.
Okay the cover looks nice but while waiting for the music I honestly couldn't care less.

Nice to see they still maintain the length of their songs.

Instrumental? I wonder if it's about the length of those on Orchid or if it's a longer song.