Opeth-style scream/growl vocal chain?

I don't hear anything special. Aside from some EQ to filter the unnesascary frequencies out I hear some reverb and a detuner during some parts. Obviously a compressor and/or limiter too.

You ever tried to recreate something like that? A small bit of experimentation will help you find out how to make it on your own.
I always felt like there must be a TON of reverb on his scream tracks because it sounds pretty smooth and not harsh to me. Kind of ghost like in a way, where it doesn't just jump out at you instantly and it decays kind of slowly. Anyways, do you think it's double/multi tracked? when you say detuned, do you mean pitch shifted?
I have given it a half ass try before, but have recommitted to getting it right this time, so thanks for the response!
Don't know if they double tracked (I guess tho) Yeah, the reverb has a pretty long tail but as Tommy said, there's not anything special here. Not really helpful actually... ahah
That detune plugin is cool in the fact that it can blend the detuned voice with the original voice and play them as one. I never know how much I detune a voice, I just twist the knobs till it sounds good and automate it to come on when I want it to. The only thing I have to change when it's ON is the volume of the track. MDA's detune can sometimes increase the gain of the track you put it on. But that's just another automation thing thats easily fixable.
try some normal harmonies. When you have very good low vocals you can blend in some detunes with -3, -5 and -8 semitones. mix it to your liking and add a slight reverb on it. that will give you more body and sounds more demonic, when you mix the third louder than fifth and ocatve