Opeth to play mixed set in Oz, and DUNGEON to support in Sydney

Spiffo wouldnt like Astriaal even if they were having a good night, I dont think its his kind of music :)
I like music that has melody - even if it's the heaviest music ever with the worst vocals ever, I'll probably like some of it. I don't remember any melody when I saw Astriaal. :(
I know that he was trying to insinuate that he had relations with my mother, but I still didn't understand the joke. What's he saying exactly? Is he peeved that the radio wasn't on at the time?
Main Entry: 1oblique
Pronunciation: O-'blEk, &-, -'blIk; military usually I
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English oblike, from Latin obliquus
1 a : neither perpendicular nor parallel : inclined b : having the axis not perpendicular to the base <an oblique cone> c : having no right angle <an oblique triangle>
2 a : not straightforward : indirect; also : obscure b : devious, underhanded
3 : situated obliquely and having one end not inserted on bone <oblique muscles>
4 : taken from an airplane with the camera directed horizontally or diagonally downward <an oblique photograph>
- oblique·ly adverb
- oblique·ness noun

Devious and underhanded. Maybe it was oblique after all. :)

Which dictionary did you get that one from, Brian? What's the URL? I could do with a dictionary at times in my new job......

I wish Dungeon could support down here too, but not to worry. I've never considered them to be power metal.....more speed metal. Anyway, that's just me.