I like music that has melody - even if it's the heaviest music ever with the worst vocals ever, I'll probably like some of it. I don't remember any melody when I saw Astriaal.
I know that he was trying to insinuate that he had relations with my mother, but I still didn't understand the joke. What's he saying exactly? Is he peeved that the radio wasn't on at the time?
No, he said he didn't hear any melody when he SAW your mum. Just like you said there was no melody when you SAW Astriaal. The reference isn't really that oblique.
Main Entry: 1oblique
Pronunciation: O-'blEk, &-, -'blIk; military usually I
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English oblike, from Latin obliquus 1 a: neither perpendicular nor parallel : inclinedb: having the axis not perpendicular to the base <an oblique cone> c: having no right angle <an oblique triangle> 2 a: not straightforward : indirect; also: obscure b: devious, underhanded 3: situated obliquely and having one end not inserted on bone <oblique muscles> 4: taken from an airplane with the camera directed horizontally or diagonally downward <an oblique photograph>
- oblique·lyadverb
- oblique·nessnoun
Devious and underhanded. Maybe it was oblique after all.
Which dictionary did you get that one from, Brian? What's the URL? I could do with a dictionary at times in my new job......
I wish Dungeon could support down here too, but not to worry. I've never considered them to be power metal.....more speed metal. Anyway, that's just me.