opeth tonight

Man what a fucking show. Lacuna Coil was simply amazing and such nice people to hang with and talk to. Opeth was mind boggling, completely tight and perfect.Beyond the Embrace was pretty good to. I enjoyed their last two songs the most their new song they played sounded pretty damn awesome hopefully they go more in that direction. I feel sorry for the people who couldn't make it out to this show it was killer.
Where'd they have the show? Downstairs I'm assuming. How was the sound overall. I've been to some shows there where nothing exists but bass. So if the sound was crappy I won't be as pissed at myself for missing it.
FrostGiant said:
Where'd they have the show? Downstairs I'm assuming. How was the sound overall. I've been to some shows there where nothing exists but bass. So if the sound was crappy I won't be as pissed at myself for missing it.

was in the rave...lacuna coil and opeth both sounded hecka good....i dont like the sound in most the rooms there xcept the bar usually...but last night they sounded uncommonly good....but in honesty i was gal sniffing alot of the night....so i may be a bad judge....
I did not go to this show, but I was fortunate enough to be in Houston a couple weeks ago to see them there. That show was horrendously HOT and not NEARLY as packed as the show here in January. That was cool with me though because as people started to drift out, we moved closer up front:).
I went up to the show at the last minute with my roommate/ guitar tech Willie....found out that we had laminates waiting there for us to use (ah, perks! hehe) Thought the show was amazing. Not quite as great as the show at HoB in January, but still awesome. I am not the biggest Lacuna Coil fan, but I thought they were tight and they sounded great. Much more impressed with them this time than when they played with us and Moonspell back in 2001. I unfortunately didnt catch Beyond the Embrace but people told me they were good and the guys themselves seem cool. If anyone saw the long haired fool and the black guy up in the balcony area next to the stage during Opeth, that was us.....spent alot of the time pointing at our guitarist Vito down in the crowd and making wisecracks about him, hehe......we love ya Vito! Also saw Jason (TurnLooseTheSwans) there, in all his dress shirt-and-tie glory LOL Just because you wrangled a kiss out of Christina, don't let it get to yer head, punk! Otherwise I will come and swipe your Masters Of The Universe figures when you least expect it...

Very interested to see Opeth in July, doing the acoustic thing.....after seeing them like six or seven times with nearly the same set list, it will be a nice change.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
=Also saw Jason (TurnLooseTheSwans) there, in all his dress shirt-and-tie glory LOL Just because you wrangled a kiss out of Christina, don't let it get to yer head, punk! Otherwise I will come and swipe your Masters Of The Universe figures when you least expect it...

Very interested to see Opeth in July, doing the acoustic thing.....after seeing them like six or seven times with nearly the same set list, it will be a nice change.

yeah...i worked my tactics to the point of a cheek kiss....and i collect heman dolls[and castle greyskull].....i truely am king dork....
im also a member of the lionel richie yahoo club thinger...and i sent ten bucks to a buy lionel a present fund....hope we get him a hello-esque sculpture of his head....maybe one that looks like him...stupid blind gals dont sculpt anything good...

just provin im more of a dork....ya guys owned tonight....drove ferever to get there...looked fer parking fer more than an hour...yeah...dork dork dork...