Opeth while working out?


Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
I recently found that Opeth is the perfect workout music. I tend to move with the melodies, working fast and hard during the heavy parts, and going slower to cool down during the mellow parts. Anyone else do this?
Meshuggah - Chaosphere

ha ha. It gets the 'insanity and agression' glands going in your body.

Speaking of weights, i must do my lats and back sometimes today.
(split routine, (all) Biceps and Chest day 1, then Back/Shoulders/lats/Triceps on day 2)
Arch Enemy and Nevermore are great workout CDs.

I like something more straightforward but with driving rhythms and great guitar work for my workout music.
I regretfully haven't worked out in several months. I was getting in the habit of going about 2 or 3 times a week. It's pretty sad because there is a pretty nice workout/aerobics room in my apartment complex. I am just too lazy and too consumed by my computer to go. I don't think I would listen to Opeth though. I would probably focus on the music too much and not pay attention to what I was doing. *pictures himself dropping weights on his foot* :D
I work out to stuff like At the Gates, Death, Vital Remains, Bucketheads more techno stuff..Amon AMarth was great when I tried that. Also Grand Declaration of War gets my adrenal glands a-pumpin'
I know what you mean. When lifting weights I listen to something more brutal and straightforward, like Children of Bodom, and In Flames.

Opeth works great when I'm on the bike. I usually close my eyes and move with the music. I find that I can push myself beyond what I'm used to during the heavy parts, and the melow parts serve as a cool-down period. I could almost swear Opeth made their music with aerobic excerize in mind.
I havn't worked out for a while,but when I do I enjoy bands like:dark tranquility,suffocation(effigy of the forgotten),cancer,napalm death(utopia banished),demilich,atrocity(longing for death),disembowlment,pestilence,and of course OPETH.:)
i like to do the little bit of karate i know to opeth-like stretches, nunchauks and katas (i dont even know if i spelled that right!).

but as for really working out, i think skateboarding is the biggest workout i ever get and i dont listen to anything when i skate. i tried wearing headphones once and it got too damn complicated.
Anathema's Crestfallen/Serenades does it for me. Never worked out with Opeth; I'd probably lose concentration.