Opeth's contrasting style


May 3, 2003
Before i start, hi everyone! i'm new here :)

Recently I've been comparing Orchid, MAYH, Blackwater Park, and Deliverance. (I also have Damnation but that's different). There's such a great contrast between Orchid/MAYH and Opeth's newer cds - for example now i find there's less contrasting variation in their songs, and they don't seem to harmonize their guitars as often as they used to. Blackwater Park and Deliverance tend to have heavier and more 'in your face' riffs. I'm not saying they're getting better or worse, Opeth will always be the greatest metal band ever (IMO). I guess this is just a comment on how Opeth is evolving and exploring new territories.
I guess it's great to have them changing style (well more accurately, the way they represent their style) cuz you can listen to different ones depending what mood you're in. Every time I listen to Orchid and MAYH they remind me of two years ago during a stage of depression. Every time i listen to BWP and Deliverance they makes me feel powerful!!! What gorgeous riffs =)
I prefer a more "riff" oriented sound, but I also prefer the twin acoustic harmonies and shifting parts that were in abundance on the first two albums; sheer beauty, that. I suppose that would be why Morningrise and BWP are my favorite Opeth albums..