Opeths "Damnation"


NOT Estimate :D
Feb 18, 2003
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Do you think Damnation will see Opeth getting more recognised to more "mainstream" listeners? As it (supposedly) a lot more softer than their other works do you think people, who dont even listen to metal, will start buying it? And if they do, do you see this as a bad or good thing?
The only way it could be bad, is if they made a conscious decision to make Damnation to appeal to more people, which I'm sure they did not. There's nothing bad about people finding good music. It might get more people into extreme metal too, if they bother checking out the rest of their catalog.
If Damnation did get a lot more attention and started selling good, do you think Opeth will try to make their next efforts more accesable for other listeners?
nope, i don't think Opeth would consciously "sell out".. i mean if they loved doing Damnation and wanted to do more like it, sure, but i'm certain they would never actually purposely do more albums like it JUST because it sold well and got them popular.
And remember someone suggested on this board a while back that Opeth were selling out? Mike replied and said something along the lines of 'if you know us personally you would know that 'opeth' and 'selling out' simply dont mix' or something to that effect.

If they did sell out after him continually stressing they never would...it would be a travesty....and i'd lose a lot of my respect for him.
S & M is only "changing the sound"?

"Do you think Damnation will see Opeth getting more recognized to more "mainstream" listeners?"

I don't see it. What's your definition of mainstream listeners? Those that answer "What kind of music do you listen to?" with "Oh, a little of everything." or the ones that like a band because it's cool...or something completely different.

Ultimately, I don't see Opeth appealing to many people. Emotions in the music can get pretty deep. People (surprisingly) don't care to put that much effort into listening to music.
just because damnation will not be a metal album does not mean that it will appeal to the mainstream
apparently it's a 70s prog style album...since when is that the current trend?
yes it will appeal to people outside of metal, but it won't be the mtv crowd
I have a feeling that a lot of people who I've let listen to Opeth, but were turned off by the death vox, will like this album, so it may sell more. But its not going to make the top 100 or anything like that.
well...it might make the top 100...deliverance charted (somewhere around #250, i believe, but 100 isn't too far off).
Read the opeth interview on IGN.com. Peter detailed that they left record companies because those companies wanted them to change their music. They will never change their style.

Plus, I doubt you could really be too mainstream for 10 minute long songs. Doesn't bod well to the teeny bopper population.
Opeth...mainstream? I highly doubt it...we live in a world full of Linkin' Park, Cristina Aguilara and Sum41...I highly doubt that the "masses" would gravitate towards something as complex as Opeth's music. Of course, the "sheep" that listen to the aformentioned bands are just victims of superbly conducted marketing ploys. I doubt Opeth has the "man behind the large curtain" strength to pull off such a feat. In all honesty, if for some unearthly reason they DID become mainstream, I really wouldn't give a rats ass, you know? I could just be proud that I knew of them before they got to mainstream level:D .

Carry on =)
Originally posted by Opet

Ultimately, I don't see Opeth appealing to many people. Emotions in the music can get pretty deep. People (surprisingly) don't care to put that much effort into listening to music.

Opeth will NEVER "make it big". There are, literally, thousands of bands out there now, that are NOT "heavy", and play "softer" music that should be huge stars, but are not. See: Aimee Mann.

Being a "pop" star is a result of an enormous number of factors; great somgwriting isn't necessarily always one of them. See: the boybands.
Many of you are assuming that just because damnation will be softer, that it will be more accessible. How many of you listen to Kenny G? thats what i thought...and thats as soft as it gets really. Im willing to bet that damnation will be much in the vein of the 70s progressive rock that mikael loves so much, and frankly that style of music isnt too accesible to most people...even though its amazing (and one of my fav genres/eras of music). On another note, i talked to mikael for quite a bit after seeing them live, and asked him many questions about upcoming work. He said that they may be doing some gracious or camel covers live, and/or in the studio...and maybe even some other bands...for those of you who are familiar with those bands and are prog heads like me. ;)
"mikael said that they may be doing some gracious or camel covers live, and/or in the studio...and maybe even some other bands..."


Well now...that IS news. Well done scout. Job well done. ;) I've been hoping for a Camel cover.
I think the best thing for Opeth to do after Damnation is to get used to release two albums at one time, a brutal one for us and a mellow one both for us as a different taste and for the mainstream to learn how good music can be done.