Opeth's Drums


on the bridge
Oct 28, 2004
Santiago, Chile
Well. i wish that Martin in person would answer this question... but if any of you guys can help me it would be very cool too.

I'm a drummer and i'm really into this extreme drum, you know, and i would like to know if any of you know how to measure the speed... for example, how fast is April's Ethereal in BPM?(the double bass drums), how many kicks Martin can do in a minute?, etc, etc.. anything related to Tempo Theory would be very appreciated here!...

well i'm all eyes now...

Well, actually I'm not able to help you because I don't know so much about that, but I promise to look for information about these, though I'm sure that many guys here will be able to help you.

You can download a metronome "weird metronome" is the name of mine.

Thought I'd mention....

When i saw Opeth down under Mikael was cracking jokes about Mendez being able to shred like Malmsteen on the bass and then someone said "Lets see lopez go for it". He played some blast beats which were fast, very fucking fast, then Mikael demanded more :p "play faster drummer" Lopez fucking delivered \m/ Hes a machine, and yes Mendez did shred like Malmsteen. :hotjump:
Dseven said:
I'm a drummer and i'm really into this extreme drum, you know, and i would like to know if any of you know how to measure the speed... for example, how fast is April's Ethereal in BPM?(the double bass drums), how many kicks Martin can do in a minute?, etc, etc.. anything related to Tempo Theory would be very appreciated here!...
Most double bass in Opeth songs is something like 16th notes @ 200 bpm
(April: 195 bpm 16th notes >>> 195*4=780 kicks/minute)
Get Guitar Pro , and get some tabs on MySongbook.
A lot of tabs include drum, and the tempo is pretty accurate. (Opeth tabbers rule!)
A simple method that has already been shown above (atilla000), but that i thought could be explained a little more in depth:

-Take the tempo of the bar(s) of the segment under study.

-Find the subdivision of the meter of the drum beat (i.e. eighth notes, sixteenth notes, etc.)

-Multiply the drum pattern division by the tempo of the meter it lies in (be careful not to multiple by the reciprical of the *name* of the division, but by the actual division per beat; 16th notes are actually 4 hits per beat as illustrated by atilla000)
well, thanks guys you've been really helpful with this... really, thanx a lot.

i have another question... watching my Opeth DVD i saw that Martins played Deliverance with single strokes... does anyone know if he play doubles at any song, or he is just playing singles all the way?
AnTz0r said:
what are single / double strokes?

singles stroke is what you can see when Martin plays Deliverance on the DVD... doubles is when you first hit the pedal with your heel and use the bounce to push it again with your toe... it's called heel-toe technique... a lot of extreme drummers use that technique, you can play faster with the half of the energy.
