opeth's Roadrunner Records Debut ideas

Xalon Niles

Metal/Super Sentai Fan
Dec 22, 2001
Parts unknown.
What you hope to see on the neir 8th cd?

I love to see it Self-titled with 9 tracks within 77 minutes with a mixed old Opeth & Damnation-era Opeth. The music with trade-off on the softer parts like they do on the heavier stuff.
I'm looking forward to Per's keyboards adding a nice black-metal sound myself.
And I also hope there will be a 6th member, playing kazoo and ukelele.
So I googled the new song titles....

"Ghost of perdition" is a track on a demo from a Brazilian metal band called Carcinoma. And of course the demo was their only release...
"Isolation Years" is the name of a modern Swedish (prog?) rock band.
meanwhile "baying of the hounds" is a very common phrase so who knows where that was from.

It wouldn't be Opeth if the song titles were original :)

@trey: I hate that fucking cactus. Could never kill it =/
Pseud0 said:
final fantasy 7
hmm I remember him from Final Fantasy VI, it's this guy you always encountered at a dueling arena. He had like 9999999 HP and kept kicking you out of the battle with some spell so you couldn't ever kill him. I guess he appeared in later FF games as well...
actually, im pretty sure cactus man is in more than 1 of the ff games. Hes definetly in 7 - i believe on some random desert island
Yoda said:
I'm looking forward to Per's keyboards adding a nice black-metal sound myself.
And I also hope there will be a 6th member, playing kazoo and ukelele.

apparently youre not familiar with the difference between black metal synths and vintage keyboard instrumentation which is what per uses typically.
I hope for more acoustic guitars as opposed to all the clean electric parts.
i would love to hear more psyche/spacey moments (hmmm not spacey maybe but psychedelic definitely)

think of the soft, dark interludes in blackwater park, the song. add lots and lots of vintage keys and there....PERFECTION!
Niles Darquetona said:
What you hope to see on the neir 8th cd?

I love to see it Self-titled with 9 tracks within 77 minutes with a mixed old Opeth & Damnation-era Opeth. The music with trade-off on the softer parts like they do on the heavier stuff.
That is exactly what it will be like, seriously.