Opinions needed on rescue mix I'm doing (kinda Bad Religion-ish)

Skinny Viking

¯\(°_o)/¯ How do Lydian?
Oct 10, 2007
Yo guys

ok so this is a TOTAL rescue mix for a really cool band called SDS. I tracked NOTHING and the recording engineer who did should be given a blanket party. There was almost no difference in sound between the Ohs, snare, even the kick tracks ... the bleed was THAT bad. This dude, who will remain nameless but actually runs one of the bigger studios in the Philly area, is clueless. The original guitar tones were a fucking abortion ... I've seen the guitarists setup live, it consists of a $20 Peavey head from like 1985, some kinda pawn shop bargain cab, and a metal zone pedal ... this is what the RE actually let this guy use to record his guitars.

Anyway, had to replace the entire drum kit and a lot of creative EQ on the guitars and this is what I came up with. I would REALLY appreciate some feedback. Keep in mind this is just faders up, I've done no automation yet so a few toms and things like that are gonna jump out too loud here and there. Please please please give this a listen and let me know what you think.

So far, these guys seem to love what I've done. I don't know if thats good or bad :p


http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/594184/GTFL Mix 5.mp3
Considering the gear used, I think you've done a good job. All things considered, I don't really have much to pick on. I'd be curious to hear the "before" version. Good save.
Considering the gear used, I think you've done a good job. All things considered, I don't really have much to pick on. I'd be curious to hear the "before" version. Good save.

Thanks man! Yeah I had toyed with the idea of posting a before & after comparison but once I had replaced the original drum files I deleted them to save space. Believe me, there was nothing worth keeping ;)

The only things that I could say were actually tracked relatively well were the bass and vocals. Actually the clean guitar wasn't too bad either, it ony needed a little EQ and light compression ... vocals needed some heavy compression but have no EQ on them at all. Bass was the same as clean guitars, just some slight EQ & compression.

Replacing the drums was a nightmare cause these guys didn't record to a click, good thing most of their tunes are only a few minutes long :D

Can you believe the kick drum was louder in the snare track than on its own? Crazy