Opinions on a couple of new discs


Jul 22, 2002
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I recenlty purchased the Dillenger Escape Plan with Mike Patton and the Today is the Day "Sadness Will Prevail" and am wondering what people think about these two releases?
I don't have the Dillinger yet, but I just recieved Today is the Day in the mail today. I've only listened to part of this double CD, but all indications are that it WILL NOT be topped by any other release this year. I was already a fan of Steve Austin's genius, but 'Sadness Will Prevail' blows my mind. Nothing can touch this release.

Tell me about Dillinger Escape Plan. What does Mike Patton contribute to it? Does he do some vocals? I haven't heard anything about this release.
The Dillenger is a 4 song E.P., Mike does contribute to the songwriting on three of the four songs, one song being a cover I think...He sings, samples and some percussion...His vocals range from screams to clean vocals...on "When Good Dogs Do Bad Things" his singing is very fast and very "unique"...the songs are choatic and it took me a couple of spins to get into, but I really am starting to enjoy it.

I never listened much to Today Is The Day, but I really enjoy Sadness...it took me a little time to get used the vocals. What should I invest in next? I have always heard good things about In The Eyes of God.
'In the Eyes of God' is a lot more focused and faster. Songs are more structured and conventional (if that word applies to Today is the Day). It is a very hateful album. 'Sadness' seems more . . . I guess sad and disturbed. Of course everything by Today is the Day is very chaotic. 'Sadness' seeks to destroy you slowly like a virus or some disease. 'In the Eyes of God' will blow up in your face. I think you'll love it. If you enjoy 'Sadness', you'll have no problem getting into 'In the Eyes of God'.