Opinions on capitalism

Still the the "poor" will be enslaved as the rich controls acess to their most essential energy for the uproar , their acess to food...etc.......we have to change our thinking, the philosophy of the 21:st century is not something that will go the history of progression, we're living the cycle backwards, as evil as a satanist playing he's album backwards..hehehehe

mr V
Yes, why should we keep something that bases upon an invention from maybe thousands years ago? (Money that is.) Why is it impossible to change that? We say so many things are possible, and this is far from being the most difficult thing to change. Just cause we are convinced it is...

Also, capitalism is an outgrow of the 19th centuries, and how many things from that area are ouf of date? We're living in a patchwork society, wherever there's a problem, we just try to fill the gap with a patch, instead of changing the whole thing, yet we are capable of doing it, as the peak of evolution. We comprehend so much, but we are just stuck in our own narrow way of thinking allover again...
I think that capitalsm is a result of modern human evolution. We
(mostly) found this the way to handle our possessions and store
our earnings. It is very hard for me to imagine myself in another
system as I, like you, have lived my whole life this way. But I do
imagine how it would be without it. Let's go to the extreme and
say that we were self-sufficient farmers etc. like in the really old
days, only trading a little now and then to get some other
products, ok. I can't imagine myself living a life that way, so very
isolated and seeing mostly my own house and fields for the rest
of my life..
And then there's communism, marxism where people were
supposed to work for the community and be given material goods
after their specific needs and stuff was owned by the state and
stuff (I am NO expert on these systems, but I read Karl Marx
book about the communistic manifest long time ago. I hate
politics by the way.. ha ha). I know that must probably be a strict
form of communism, but it seems very slave-like to me. The thing
I do like about capitalism is the freedom of choice. With values
bound in money, you can use them everywhere. It is easy....

And as the society is built upon this way of thinking, this system,
this 'religion'... to change it.. well I'd like to see that happen
(irony). I _need_ the products I can buy for money. I need what I
want at a certain point. And if capitalism means the strongest will
survive, well it sucks from a humane point of view but it's still the
survival of the fittest.....
What's so odd to live on your own earnings, Lordenlil, rather than benefiting from other's works? It just seems odd, cause it's different from what we're used to (that about being self-sufficient farmers :) I do like the idea hehe)

Well, about communism, it IS a good approach, but it's not waterproof, for it doesn't include the effect of man's mind... (btw, I, too, depise politics... look at Machiavelli's writings, and you find everything that modern politicians have, too...), but it's also no solution, does it require a modern society to live in, just cause we are evolved?

About us living by the motto survival of the fittest - it might be right, but it's WELL ouf of balance than normally :( Never any animal before survived by being the fittest and destroyed or opressed ALL others like we do.

Well, does capitalism really offer you a broader choice? Isn't this more cause of the growth of everything over the centuries (many goods became more available as they were produced in more quantity - Ok that sounds like capitalism :grin: I surrender ;))? And capitalism does not necessarily give you more choice, it even limits you sometimes (just imagine advertising and such...)
Yes, I read 1/2 of Machiavelli's.. damn I can't think of the English
word.. Fyrsten (bad translation? The Emperor).. u know which.
I kinda enjoy his realistic, yet harsh views.

Survival of the fittest in extreme form.. absolutely. And is it
morally defendable? Not really. But sadly that is how things are,
survival of the fittest comes in many forms, I think. If it was my
choice I wouldn't have it like that... but I have to adjust..
"I am a puppet" :)

Yes, capitalism limits and kills you if you're one of the 'losers' in
society, but CAN bring you much more pleasure if u are over on
the good side. I don't believe in a life without problems either
way. I know I am happy, and i cope with the problems I have in
a way that makes me stay happy to some degree.. :) This is a
very difficult discussion, but interesting. And the more I think of
some thing the more I wanna reconsider my views. But for now I
talk about reality the way I see it...
Originally posted by Ziuwarian
Yes, why should we keep something that bases upon an invention from maybe thousands years ago? (Money that is.) Why is it impossible to change that? We say so many things are possible, and this is far from being the most difficult thing to change. Just cause we are convinced it is...

Money is merely an abstraction of the trading system.
Trading is great if you have chickens and I need chickens, and I have goats and you need goats. But what if I had cows and you needed goats? Are you going to trade your chickens for my cows and then try to find someone who has goats and needs cows?

Or you can get a few gold coins which is worth approximately 20 chickens, or 7 goats, or 3 cows. These aren't exact numbers, but that's negotiable at the point of sale. So I can give you some of those coins to get my chickens, and you can turn around and find someone with goats and buy those. Much simpler, especially when you expand the types of goods (and services!) to the vast variety that we have today.

The "great" thing about capitalism is that (IMHO) it requires less intervention from the government. And this is good because one can never trust those in power. No matter how they got there (through elections, military coup, or by birth), they usually want to be there for the power, and thus can't be trusted to work for the greater good. If you can get a person in power who doesn't WANT to be there (but still is competant), it may work better. Of course, I just stole that idea from Tom Clancy...