Your inner demons?


Feb 15, 2002
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These times are tough times we live in, aren't they?? Personally, I'd say they could be way better... too much stress and a twisted nature...

So we need sometimes a little moment to "vent steam" - right? Now, DO THAT!

What's really bugging you? What makes you angry, without that you can do anything against it? Just frustrating? Eating you up?

I've just followed another of those senseless political discussions - yes right - about to "Bush" or not to "Bush" - where are politics leading? To comprimises noone can really live with, didn't they ever end up like that? In a revolution pretending to lead to a better life for the people, only to hide the mistakes better than their predecessors???

And work-life? Money? Why do we need that??? If Adam Smith would have lived nowadays - and then returned to his times to develop his nice concept of what lead to capitalism... would he have done that? Have you never wondered what it might have turned out if only one single event in history went out a different way? Who can tell if we are heading to a dead end in our development? (OK, better stop here, it's drifting away...)

Anyone else who needs to vent some anger or the like? Feel free to do so - "Here we dare and step beyond..."
Hohoho! This will be a busy place! >:eek:)

I should load off some steam about my job, which SUCKS!!!!
And I will!!!! hehe....

I'm sick and tired of things being old, not working, things
taking too much time etc. That ikeadude might be one of the
richest people in the world, yet I'm working with a machine
that was made ages ago?!?? hehehe... It sucks so much!

If a customer asks me for some help I'm hardly of any use,
cause I've been trained to know all the paying methods,
but nothing about the things that we sell etc. How easy
wouldn't it be if I would know that "yeah, this one will survive
in a dishwasher, but that one won't, and this one is handmade,
while this other one was only handpainted" >:eek:P

And, if there is a problem with let's say a flowerpot I should
have the right to put the prize down the 30% that they give
in discount, instead of calling three people to get one down
there doing it for me?!??? GEEEEEEES!!!!!! Give me some
credit! I know my job, I understand what I do, and why.
If I need help I'll ask for it! :eek:)

It's weird, cause it's the stupid little things like that, that
make people quitt their jobs. I'm sure that if things worked
smoothly people would stay longer + we'd have happier
customers. Things wouldn't take so much time!

Thanks for letting me vent, and if you read all of this,
you must've been seriously bored in the first place... >:eek:)
Argh! Don´t get me started! My demons shall remain calm a little longer... At least I hope so... For there are to many things in this world ( and for some reason most of them are concentrated around me ) that is waking them up....:mad:

Anyways, I gotta go failing my exam...:cry:

But when I come back... Ohhhhhhhh my... The demons shall spit some fire upon this thread that so conviniently was made, just for my pleasure... :devil:

-phyros ( ZzzzzZZZZzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzz *mmmmm cheese* ZzzzZZZZzzzZZZZz )
Well for starters, I don't like assholes. (Example: my former boss...I believe the term asshole was originally designed for use by him).

And all this Sept. 11th garbage (which is STILL being shoved down our throats!!) The US should just get their own Sept. 11th television channel and air all their 'pitty us' shit on it 24-7!!!


ARGH!!! I refuse to turn on my TV today, cause the
princess of Norway (kill me, kill me now!!!!!!) is
getting married and it makes me want to puke! Hehe...

I don't like the monarchy, and ok, so they are royal,
then they shouldn't be like normal people...
And now they're all marrying drugaddicts etc! Hehe...
It's fun! >:eek:)

But, I can't take watching it on tv 24/7. I understand
they blow it up as a big thing she's getting married,
but luckily I have an OFF button, so I don't have to
watch! >:eek:)

Then again, I can't read a fucking newspaper without
getting loads of rumours and details of her life....
I rather not talk about it but.. um.. to keep this from being a senseless post....

Mad scientists creating hybrid animals for experiments, McDonald's and all its crapped that's shoved into kids who can't think and learn to name it before they can even say "mom", people messing with things they can't understand, etc., piss me off :mad:
Hum let's see I have a lot of inner demons and since it's pms time it might be worse :eek: Although I was more angry this afternoon but what really pisses me off is labels that let us down 2 days after the dead line.
Also somebody told me they were certain to take half a page advertising in our magazine and today she said they wont take it anymore they want to wait the third issue. It really sucks cos now we have to come up with something extra to cover that space and it's some money that wont be there to help pay the printing.

I could go on all night, labels that don't even reply to their god damn e-mails when they are in front of their computers all day. Many mags was sent and we never got a single word from them.
People that hurts animals make me sick, or people that make fun or are mean with handicaps I can't stand it!:mad:
Another thing that gets me is prejuidice towards gays and such.

There *sigh* Venting is good hehehe
I can't stand people who think that they are so clever and instead of that have nothing in the head and I hate self centered people. I hate people who show off. I hate the concept of community, of assembling and regrouping people... I hate people who think that art is useless. I'm sorry to be raised in a competition and "i earn more money than you" environnement. I hate people who think that philosophy is useless. I hate people with no feelings. I hate the police which break the nuts of everybody but the criminals. I hate french people, for voting
for a radical and racist (and anti-europe) guy at the presidential elections.
These days i hate most of all the "real tv" and the impact that it has on the mind of some "weak" personns. Damn this is just 6 motherf*****s hanging in an all comfort appartment, without nothing to do during the day, showing their naked ass in front of the camera, just some assholes and some superficial bitches with nothing in the head as i was saying....and thinking they are on the top .... You couldn't believe that here almost everybody between 12 and 18 (and more...) speak of that just goes overs my nerves....hopefully i stopped to watch tv regulary a long time ago.... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

And damn i hate to be like that .... i'm not in a bad situation so why do i get fucked up with such things ? i just don't least my body never show any sign of anger...
I have some shit to say today!! I am REALLY pissed off today!
Sitting here, studying for my physics exam! That's fair enough, I
have to learn this crap. But here's the problem:

I got 1 expensive book (1484 pages), that I have absolutely NO
use for. They made us buy it. Instead I have hundreds of
papersheets with crappy writing on them! (made by the teacher)
Nothing is explained properly! I'm learning lots of shit, but I don't
know WHAT it is! Every note just starts off with lots of maths and
formulas and shit! They never explain the BIG picture!

How the HELL am I supposed to get the proper and full
understanding of all this crap??? I have the exam in 2 days,
and I am fucking depressed! :mad: :cry:

(Faen steike!!! Hor!) :mad:
@Lordenlil : it's too late to understand anything to it now....leave it and do something else =) Maybe you should have bought another book with more explanations.... or maybe you could cheat at your exams...

damn ... what kind of advices these are !!! i just remembered i hate school so much :(