Your inner demons?

Thanks for the advice, Phildwarf :lol: :lol:

Morgana, a little bit of hating is good for your mental balance :D
I try to hate a little bit now and then to keep me sane.
Well-controlled hate :(
Lordenlil peace! :o)
I can totally relate to your school-problem. It's not like
that for me now, during my exam, but I remember
when I took ex fac. I had been studying for 6 months
without getting it, and one week before the exam I
was stress-reading and all the notes etc didn't make
ANY sense!

I ended up not even going to the exam.. Hehe....

It's so frustrating not understanding what you have to
learn.... Pisses me off big time.

And Morg, yeah, maybe you do not hate, but do you
have NO negative feelings? Is there nothing that pisses
you off sometimes? If there isn't, I'll have to check you
into a mentalhospital! Hehehe.... >:o) "I'll be there for
you babe" hehe... :o)
hmmm - oxymoron? Isn't that like a paradox or something?
I've truly hated without loosing my mind over it. That's controlled
hate :grin: I hate this exam I'm having. Really do. :mad:
But I see your point, astarte.
I'm a 191 cm tall dwarf! :lol: (That's an oxymoron, right?!?)
Originally posted by Morgana
Oh, of course, I dislike things, but I wouldn't call it hate.
Hate is something different, if you ever felt what hate really means, then you would not use it for little things you just dislike...

Ya! Hate is a strong thing, and I like it.
Without it there wouldn't be love,
which I like so much.

I know hate, I've been hated and I
have hated. But things work out :o)
Love pretty much always wins.

Hate is also an easy word to use, even
though it's the wrong word. When
something pisses you off, you don't hate
it, but you just use 'hate' cause it's a
close feeling. Hate being more intense
and mind-narrowing.
i'll say "i dislike" instead of "i hate" next time.... :grin:

Ya! Hate is a strong thing, and I like it. Without it there wouldn't be love, which I like so much.

Maybe you can't love if you can't hate....
every feeling has its own could you really feel something if you haven't feel the opposite.....huh ?
Originally posted by AnsuzAstral
Have you never wondered what it might have turned out if only one single event in history went out a different way?

I think about that a lot. Such as what if certain events just never happened, and even "What if this band never existed?" I think about what if like Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd never existed, what major changes would their be in todays music? Would their be changes? What if life is really a dream? Like the matrix? Heh. maybe I just have too much thinking time. :spin:
I hate people who think money will solve every problem in their life
that is my only demon
I know I won't be rich or multimillonaire and I know that is what counts for a lot of dumbass people so it bugs me
it bugs me now that I know that's what matters for having a girlfriend(at least here) having a car and be willing to spend money on girls. I do have a car and money but I refuse to spend it all on a girl,I preffer buying books and CDs
that is my only demon

What you say is somewhat true. There certainly are persons who
seek status and a 'free' life. But even though money isn't everything,
it is something.

You see, if you want a good relationship you need to spend
money on living. But it should go both ways, that's for sure. My
experiences are that girls do actually expect more from us guys in
material things than we from them (this is MY experience).
But it all depends on what you gain in a more healthy relationship.

I have no problem in doing stuff to make my girl feel well and
alive, appreciated. As long as I feel some initiative the other way
as well.

Sure, too many persons doesn't see it like that - and that sucks!
I despise such people and them living off others for material
pleasures. PARASITES. Just as the ones who let the parasites live
off of them for misc pleasures. The evil of money :Puke:
Lol! I'd be embarrassed to let my boy pay everything! I
don't like going to movies and he's like "Don't worry, I'll
pay for it." I like to contribute too. But well, this has come
rather natural for us, let's say we go to the movies and
he buys the tickets while I buy loads of candie (after all,
I am the child in this relationship!!! hehe) and then maybe
he goes buying something to drink... We share pretty much
everything, never argue about money. Never have, never
will. I'm glad this has never been an issue :o)

I have never understood people who live off of other's
things. I had a friend who always borrowed everything
from me and felt good in taking advantage of other people.
I got sick of it and we grew appart... But in general I am
a very sharing person. If it wasn't for my boyfriend, my
house would be a free hotel, cus I love sharing and giving.

Ooooh! This is becoming the love thread! Hehe... I just
want to say that there's nothing like surprising someone
with a cute little gift/card :o)
for myself, i often give money to my girlfriend for her to buy gazoil for her car, i often buy the food , i pay the cinema, i mostly pay everything, but i don't really care cause i know she couldn't afford it alone. but sometimes it's getting on my nerves :-p
I could not agree more with everyone who thinks the money issues are just absurd. I live in a fairly decent sized city and everything here is based, for the most part, on who has the most cash in their wallet. Even the music 'scene' in my area has been affected greatly. It has gone from being all about the music to being more about which wealthy kid has the fastest car, most piercings/tattoos/black hair dye and can buy the most drugs. It is ridiculous. Seems like life was so much easier when i was 14 years old. Only concerns back then were bmx, metal and when was school letting out...
Today I feel much better about things! :)

And I wanted to share with you all something that costs me nothing (ok - it did cost me 10 minutes) TATATA!! TATAAAAM! :grin:
