Your inner demons?

Damn, I can't resist a kitten picture. Also defused my rant...
but not quite.

The demon that's currently raging inside me:
Finding out about $15000 in credit card bills that someone was too chicken to tell me about.
coming to the conclusion that consciousness is as much a blessing as a curse. in terms of mortality, and knowing that all that you love will inevitably die. trying to live life in hopes of surmounting the human condition, within the paradox of being an individual self... a selfish individual.
i take now for granted what time will take away from me. its hard to live day to day and keep 'the whole picture' focused. and to what importance is today when innumerable yesterdays died before it? such thoughts plague me... we live under the tyranny of time we have created.
demons, they are. but they allow me to put the simple shit in perspective, for which i'm quite thankful.
I can relate to your thoughs alot heather!! But I somehow manage to avoid worrying about mortality and such stuff, dunno how.

Today I'm again plagued by my own weakness... namely laziness, I hate it. Well, then, I am just kicking myself then, got lots of stuff to do, still.
Oook! I admit I'm not very sane today, people!
A very important and extremely difficult exam (advanced physics)
tomorrow. I'm totally wasted from studying now! At this moment
I feel as if I know nothing and that this sucker will drown me.
I usually do well at this shit, but this one is different. It's like the Devil!
:cry: :mad: :cry: :mad:

Pf!!! Lordenlil! Relax! Give yourself a break!
You probably know more than you feel right now,
and if there's something icky coming up at the
exam you'll move around it some way, I'm sure :o)
And, if it doesn't work out this time, you always
have another chance next year, if you still want to! :o)

I finished my exam today, and I'm looking forward
to seeing what my grade will be. I'll probably get
pretty disapointed, cause no matter what grade I
get it won't be good enough as webdesign is
something I enjoy doing. It gets sort of personal
and someone grading my feelings is not good >:oP
Well, believe it - this is really something to be worried about.
(70% fails on this sucker!)...
.. btw - if I don't pass this one, I cannot continue my studies for
the Master degree, that's the real pain of it.
Well well - I think I've been complaining about this demon enough :grin:

Oh - thx for the encouragement. :spin:

Good luck on yours as well! I know what u mean about rating
your feelings. Always like that when it's something spawned by
your own creativity.. very personal indeed.
Originally posted by Phildwarf
every feeling has its own could you really feel something if you haven't feel the opposite.....huh ?

I felt how it is to be hated...

Originally posted by Fjelltussa
I _dislike_ many ppl.... But I don't manage to _hate_ anyone. I _can_ hate things that ppl do, or say, though. Or things....

I do, dislike some people, but do not hate them. I just considered them dead. With other words I ignore them.
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
I _dislike_ many ppl.... But I don't manage to _hate_ anyone. I _can_ hate things that ppl do, or say, though. Or things....

Whoi! It would be SO interesting to see a "conversation"
between you and Satori over at the Opethforum.

He's madly obsessed with religion and other issues.
He talks so much I just go "yeah, you're right" and
ignores the rest of his thread! hehe... But he has some
great ideas and thoughts, some are like mine and some
are the total opposite. But you have some very good
ideas as well, and if you two wouldn't agree I guess
things could get quite heated.

This is not a bad thing, I'm talking about different ways
of viewing things, and the things you say are cool :o)
well yeah I like spending money on a girl and buying stuff for her,sometimes a little unexpected present but c'mon
doing that during the whole relationship? I just hate going to the movies and seeing that she is not even carrying a purse or a wallet with some money meaning I have to pay for the whole thing,the same when going to a bar or something
I have friends who put up with that but I just can't because if I do it then I have no money left for what I want to do alone like going with my buddies to drink or maybe buying a CD

I live in a huge fucking city and it seems everyone just cares for what you are wearing,what car do you drive,what stereo do you have and stuff like that. The problem is that the whole world is becoming like that
This situation is all over the world, and I would say 80 % of the population think it's all important...

I belong to those few, who does not care, I buy what I like, need and can afford. I don't need a big car, my little one takes me mostly everywhere I like to go. I don't need a fast car, because our "Autobahn" (motorway, highway) is most times with speed limits and/or there are to much traffic, traffic jams, etc...

Ok... Just to make you all realise what I find anoying, and what forces me to have an hour of night walking almost everyday to get rid of feelings, here comes a scenario from today.

We ( that is me and some of my friends from class ) where out in the forest walking, looking at some enviorments we just read about and are going to have an exam on in a week. We where on our way back to the parking lot, when suddenly there is a moose running towards the big road at the outside of the area. We saw him struggle with the "moose-fence" and thought that "whatta heck, stupid moose, the fence is there to protect you and you can´t jump over it!" Well, he did. We went like "aaarghh" and ran there to warn the ppl in the cars that where driving there. When we arrived the moose had ( luckiliy ) ran over to the other side of the road. The problem was that there the fence was higher, mostly due to the fact that there was an hill he had to get jump over too. We thought that "heck, better ring the cops" we did, no problems. the moose jumped over, but got stuck in the fence. We, a couple of Biologist went like "noo! we gotta help it!"

Then. A car pulled to the side, a man came out and told us to "get the fuck out of there" because "we where scaring it". We went like "? , you don´t think it has paniced allready, with the cars all over the place, stuck in a fence? We´ve gotta help it! We need a tong! " well. He told us, "no. you are scaring it, you get the hell out of here, I told you allready!"

I got pissed of, but right there, the moose got loose ( :lol: ), so we just muttered something nontranslatabale and walked away...
The thing was that this guy actually thought that "hey, I am older than those ppl, I take control" and that he ordered us to get out of there... All we did was to warn the traffic! Fuck! I hate retards like that! I was on my way arguing, wich not would have been doin any good, I know, it´s just that I like animals that much, and I felt so bad for it!

Ok, things like that gets me upset all the time... I know it is stupid, but hey! I don´t care...:) I just feel that way, and there is nothing I can do about that.

-phyros ( still irritated, but on his way out :) )
Man! Irritating! That reminds me of this woman at work.
She was gone for a couple of weeks, and when she
came back I aksed if she'd been ill, and she told me that
she + her family had hit a moose with their car. She told
me the whole painfull story. At the end I was like "Poor
moose!!" And she goes "WHAT?! POOR MOOSE!!???
What about the PEOPLE in the car!????"

*Dooooh*!!!! This pissed me off!! Hehe..

Of course I feel sorry for the people too, but I feel more
sorry for the moose. It's an animal. And If they really
have to make a road through the forrest then make the
fences taller! :o( I feel so sorry for the poor animal! :o(
Imagine how scared the moose you saw was Phyros!
*On the verge of crying*
Well Phyros, I must applaud your efforts.
I can't stand people who would rather watch
an animal suffer. Fuck!
Even my dog has more sense than that asshole
who told you guys off!

And being the proud person owned by a dog, I must brag about the time my dog saved a little chipmunk from drowning.
Originally posted by Phildwarf
every feeling has its own could you really feel something if you haven't feel the opposite.....huh ?

You can feel love without feeling hate. The first couple years of children in a good household are like this.

All feelings are a spectrum. What you're "allowed" to feel doesn't always have to be equidistant from "neutral."
Ooooh, I feel so sorry for that moose...... :cry: Wish it didn't have to worry about being hit by cars.....

Smth that _does_ make me pisses, is those ppl who want to kill the few wolfes left, because they eat the sheep, and because they are afraid of them, and afraid that they might take their childremn as well. How stupid is that!?!?!?!?! DOGS are more dangerous to ppl!!!!! And besides, it's ppl's own fault that the wolfes come down where there lives ppl. We ruin the environment and ruin their food, so of course they come!!! And then it's not _they_ intruding in _our_, but the other way around!!! We take over more and more of their home, without ever thinking twice about it. Hehe, not even once!!!!!! I wish all the wild animal haters could just move in to the cities, and leave the rest of the country for the "dangerous" animals, and the ones who accept to live there on _their_ conditions!!!

And that is another thing: Ppl building huge houses out in nature because they want to be out in the wilderness. When they build things out there, it's no longer wilderness!!!!! Why don't they see that?!?!?!? Arrrrghhh!!! :( If they so much want to be out in nature, then bring a tent or sleep under the open sky!! -Or go home at night!!

(Umm, that is a thing Varg said smth about, btw, that I htought was nice. That was the reason he burned down that old stave church, he said. "If you build a hous out in the nature, that doesn't make it nature". That is very true....... So the man _doesn_ have some nice opinions..... IMHO)
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
And then it's not _they_ intruding in _our_, but the other way around!!! We take over more and more of their home, without ever thinking twice about it. Hehe, not even once!!!!!!

That is exactly what I'm always thinking when I'm out driving with the car on some motorway and I see dead animals lying at the side. It often brings tears to my eyes and I start hating civilization/mankind, including myself for driving there as well :cry:
Originally posted by Gaunerin

That is exactly what I'm always thinking when I'm out driving with the car on some motorway and I see dead animals lying at the side. It often brings tears to my eyes and I start hating civilization/mankind, including myself for driving there as well :cry:

I'm always very sad, when I see dead animals on the road or the site. I try to drive very carefully and do check the site very often. I go on breaks for animals.