Your inner demons?

Originally posted by Fjelltussa
Smth that _does_ make me pisses, is those ppl who want to kill the few wolfes left, because they eat the sheep, and because they are afraid of them, and afraid that they might take their childremn as well. How stupid is that!?!?!?!?!

Oh, don't even get me started! I read some of that crap, and it makes me want to walk over and beat the shit out of them. (I'm not a violent guy, really). Anyway, I think they've done a great job of reintroducing the wolves to Yellowstone National Park in the west. Fair policy (although the farmers probably don't agree).
Originally posted by The Nomad

Oh, don't even get me started! I read some of that crap, and it makes me want to walk over and beat the shit out of them. (I'm not a violent guy, really). Anyway, I think they've done a great job of reintroducing the wolves to Yellowstone National Park in the west. Fair policy (although the farmers probably don't agree).

He he, I watched this documentary on that (Yellowstone).
Seems like they are well treated there... hmm - left alone, that is.
But they said it's quite seldom the wolves bother the sheep etc,
but it happens. And when it comes to Norway... totally insane,
those bastards :(
What, do the wolves in Norway bother the sheep a lot?

While I agree that we are intruding on "their" territory, there are some practical issues. If a sufficient wolf population can be "contained" in a nationally protected area, it should be attempted. I don't think Scandanavia is THAT densly used by humans.
Well, I wasn't very clear about that.
The humans that wanna kill the wolves are the bastards,
but there are so few wolves left that they hardly do any damage.
Seems like they wanna kill them just to be done with it.... :cry:
Tye wolfes here wander a lot from place to place about the eastern parts of Norway and the western parts of Sweden. They always have, but there haven't always been ppl living in all the places they've gone.

The only reason for killing animals, as I see it, is if you need the food, or if they are getting too many. (But, btw, we're very good at killing animals if they get too many, but humans are certainly getting quite many.....) Not because they find the food _they_ need, that being sheep or any wild animal. If the farmers can't protect their animals, then that's _their_ problem, not the wild animals!
Nice to see lots of animal loving freaks like me around here. :) (Well, actually I may be the only one who's freaky about it but it's still nice.)

Right now I've got different demons though. I'm writing an article that's trying to kill me. It just won't come out right. I've been up all night trying to make it work, so now my back and butt hurt from sitting in this chair, my teeth hurt from clenching my jaw, and my arm hurts from an unrelated earlier injury. GRRR... and GRRRR again.
Originally posted by Rune Fairy
Well for starters, I don't like assholes. (Example: my former boss...I believe the term asshole was originally designed for use by him).

And all this Sept. 11th garbage (which is STILL being shoved down our throats!!) The US should just get their own Sept. 11th television channel and air all their 'pitty us' shit on it 24-7!!!

Isn't THAT the fucking truth!! I am SO fed up with 11 Sept. this and 11 Sept. that and it's becuase of 11 Sept. - pleeease.....these people here need to just get the fuck over it. Far worse shit than that happens every day in other parts of the world - and the American people don't give a fuck. That 11 Sept gig was tragic and all that but not before time - it was coming for a long time. It's a classic example of karmic law in action. All I can say about that whole thing is too bad so reap what you sow.
Originally posted by Allison

Isn't THAT the fucking truth!! I am SO fed up with 11 Sept. this and 11 Sept. that and it's becuase of 11 Sept. - pleeease.....these people here need to just get the fuck over it. Far worse shit than that happens every day in other parts of the world - and the American people don't give a fuck. That 11 Sept gig was tragic and all that but not before time - it was coming for a long time. It's a classic example of karmic law in action. All I can say about that whole thing is too bad so reap what you sow.

Well put! :)
Indeed. Can we then conclude that most europeans are sick of this 11th Sept. shit?
I, for one, never cared one bit.
Now all Americans are going to ream me, but I could care less. Whining on about all the "innocents" who were killed. Who is INNOCENT, then?

And anyhow, Hollywood's going to make big money on it, as no doubt they'll be making a movie about it soon. If they're not on it allready.
"Indeed. Can we then conclude that most europeans are sick of this 11th Sept. shit? I, for one, never cared one bit."

You can indeed - Europeans and for sure one American - me. And I never made the first fuss either. Even before then you wouldn't see an American flag on anything I own and and there's even less of a chance of seeing one now. You won't get reamed by me, Vanir - no sir.

"And anyhow, Hollywood's going to make big money on it, as no doubt they'll be making a movie about it soon. If they're not on it allready."

I never bought the t-shirt or any of the other cheesy souvenirs that are available so I'm damn sure not gonna read the book or watch the movie.

ONLY in USA can you find a vast range of merchandising for a terrorist attack.
Book? What book?
It'd be rather short, you know.

"The WTC story", by U. N. Clesam
"Arabs flew into the WTC. Things blew up. Skyscrapers went crashing into the ground. The end."
Maybe they'll write a sequel, too.

"The WTC aftermath", by U. N. Clesam
"We went into Afghanistan. We kicked ass. We didn't need the help of any of the elite troopers from the rest of the world. We didn't lose any men. None were captured. The stupid european so-called soldiers just stood and watched as we rocked. The end."
Originally posted by Vanir
"We went into Afghanistan. We kicked ass. We didn't need the help of any of the elite troopers from the rest of the world. We didn't lose any men. None were captured. The stupid european so-called soldiers just stood and watched as we rocked. The end."

Actually, we lost some men. Less than 50, but more than 10.
I don't know what precentage of them were actually caused by enemy forces, but still.
We have a bona fide ignorant asshole for a president who is so hell-bent on destruction he'll go to any means to achieve it. The sooner he is taken out the better. He comes into office not even knowing who any of the world leaders are and probably was one of the too many people here who thinks Finland is a third-world communist country. Now he's butting in the business of India & Pakistan. It's time for this dog and pony show to end. We have an idiot at the helm.

I am very surprised that the rest of the world didn't tell Bush "fuck you" when he approached them with this asinine idea of starting a war - a religious war because that's exactly what it is at the end of the day. War solves nothing, never has and never will. It would be a cold day in his christian hell before I'd ever let my son fight for this country.
Haven't met an "average" American yet, only seen them displayed in movies and such... and I would not like to build an opinion upob movies, really...

Are there so many people you'd consider the "average" American???