Cause you Lie, Cheat and Steal

The Nomad

Where am I?
Jan 17, 2002
QingDao, China (temporarily)
We have quite a lenghty "happy" thread... by which I mean the "nice thing happening to you."

Once in a while you need to let the steam out. So, this is the "I'm pissed off" thread.

(Actually, this makes this place similar to a forum I was on back in high school... back in teh day...)
(I don't like writing my individual story on a thread base note that is for public usage.) ... And I got sick of bitching on the Now Playing thread.

Anyway, Pam's been driving me nuts. I've been trying to talk to her for 9 days now. I first leave her a message to call me when she has time. I know she's busy, so I give her a bit to call me back... When she doesn't after 6 days, I try again... and she has a friend in town... from Japan. OK, I can understand that. But she says she'll call me Monday (yesterday). Fine. I don't wait by the phone (because it's a cell), but needless to say, I'm a bit anxious.

I would've called her today, but I had guests over, but she didn't call me. So now I'm distressed. Before I went to visit her back in May, I called her and she called me often... like twice a week. And now it's like 2 or 3 times a month... and it's only me calling. The main reason I need to talk to her is to tell her that after 6 years, I'm still in love with her (we broke up amicably). But now I also want to know why we never talk any more.

My emotional state is in quite the state of flux. From happy to be with friends, to angry (and wanting to punch someone), to slightly depressed, to disturbed from seeing quite a bit of myself from that guy in "The Royal Tenenbaums" that nearly commited suicide. (That's why I had guests over... to watch that movie...)

Anyway, it's likely that she has a good and understandable excuse, but until I find that out, I'm going nuts. I hope I can get a hold of her tomorrow.

And I have other internal demons relating to all this that I can't discuss right now...
Yeah man, I know how you feel. As for me...

Well, I've been trying to hang out with this one girl for awhile now. And we were supposed to hang out yesterday (Tuesday), but she cancelled because she wanted to go smoke some weed. Which I guess is a logical thing to do? I don't know. But now we have plans for Thursday... Which I hope work out. And today, I've been trying to make plans with this girl named Alyssa... So, I hope she'll be able to this time. The other times... Something was always going on.
Thank you, Nomad. I'm sure I'm not the only one besides you who'we thought of creating such a thread as this.

Well, now I finally get the whole story, because all I've seen are
some brutal hate-comments here and there. It's just too damn
sad a person can have such effect on your life. Personally I really
wanna tell you to leave it and try hard to move on, but I realize
you love this girl, and that creates such a hard situation. It
seems to me that she is trying to keep you out, but I don't know
all the details, so... I just know this much, and I speak for myself.

I don't ever let anyone 'own' my feelings in that way, and I clearly
don't tolerate it if a person would not call back. I think we all had
friends who more or less stops making contact. It's the same to me,
I just let them go - damn if I will waste my time on such persons....
but with love involved it's damn harder, I do realize that. Good luck.

*Holds up a punching bag* Now come on! hit it!
That is so sad, Light. You know - I am out of milk, and potatoe chips
and it's so fucking annoying :mad: :mad:

And then, when I was gonna put my helmet on after cleaning my
sexy hair... someone had spilled mjoed in it, so I got soaked... well..
actually - thats was kinda cool, because I smell so nice now :D
Nothing, really. Oh, wait. I've been working on stopping smoking for weeks, and I've still not succeeded. Though I'm down to my last 3 Marlboro's now. I will succeed.
Other than that, all is, for a change, good. Karmic law? I guess.
Originally posted by Lordenlil
and I clearly don't tolerate it if a person would not call back. I think we all had friends who more or less stops making contact.

With love involved, and a 7 year friendship, I can't just give up after a couple weeks of problems. With her in the Navy and being at school or away on a ship, I've been used to not talking to her for months at a time, save letters or emails. But that's not the case now. However, she doesn't know that I have something of import to tell her... she prolly thinks I just want to chat some.

And with her friend in town, it makes this all more difficult and annoying.

Ah well, telling her has already waited 3 months... what's another couple weeks?
Originally posted by Lordenlil
Well, now I finally get the whole story, because all I've seen are some brutal hate-comments here and there.

Actually, the funny thing about that is I put up the Gardenian lyrics because I love that song. It bears no resemblance to my real life.... :) And when I said earlier that I wanted to punch someone, it definately wasn't Pam.

OK, back in my hole...
It seems to like,and to get together with are 2 seperate thing's with relashionship. It help's me to know that if thing's go bad, to remember they can get better.

I'm not sure if this fits the thread, but no one at work has had a flippen raise in 2 years, and I'm slowly wanting to cut down my finances in case I want to find something else.
Originally posted by The Nomad

With love involved, and a 7 year friendship, I can't just give up after a couple weeks of problems.

Ok - I understand about the Navy thing too, btw.. hmmm.
But anyhow - you cut away an important part when u quoted me
:D -where I said myself it's damn harder when love in involved :) Oh
well. Good luck to you..

I'd pull through it, but I'd be miserable for a while.
And watching that guy (in the Royal Tennenbaums) try to commit suicide by tracing the veins on his arms made me twich. I've never been suicidal, but I used to cut myself back in the day. And, oddly enough, Pam was instrumental in me keeping my promise (to my friends) to stop doing that.

OK, I'm staying off this thread the rest of the day... it might end up bringing me down, rather than relieving my stress...
well the worst thing that happened to me this week was losing my fucking wallet with all my Id's now I have no fucking way to prove I am me.that sucks ass.and I also hurt my foot really bad by tripping on a little pool of mud so right now I am hard to identify except from the way I walk heh
Originally posted by The Nomad
(I don't like writing my individual story on a thread base note that is for public usage.) ... And I got sick of bitching on the Now Playing thread.

Anyway, Pam's been driving me nuts. I've been trying to talk to her for 9 days now. I first leave her a message to call me when she has time. I know she's busy, so I give her a bit to call me back... When she doesn't after 6 days, I try again... and she has a friend in town... from Japan. OK, I can understand that. But she says she'll call me Monday (yesterday). Fine. I don't wait by the phone (because it's a cell), but needless to say, I'm a bit anxious.

I would've called her today, but I had guests over, but she didn't call me. So now I'm distressed. Before I went to visit her back in May, I called her and she called me often... like twice a week. And now it's like 2 or 3 times a month... and it's only me calling. The main reason I need to talk to her is to tell her that after 6 years, I'm still in love with her (we broke up amicably). But now I also want to know why we never talk any more.

My emotional state is in quite the state of flux. From happy to be with friends, to angry (and wanting to punch someone), to slightly depressed, to disturbed from seeing quite a bit of myself from that guy in "The Royal Tenenbaums" that nearly commited suicide. (That's why I had guests over... to watch that movie...)

Anyway, it's likely that she has a good and understandable excuse, but until I find that out, I'm going nuts. I hope I can get a hold of her tomorrow.

And I have other internal demons relating to all this that I can't discuss right now...

You are in the same EXACT basket as me my friend, Its almost uncanny...I also am in love with a girl that I thought was mutual. Well when we first started we talked every night, than it turned into once a week, now its about once every 2 weeks and only time I get ahold of her is to e-mail her, she never messages me, e-mails me, calls me.

Even your emotional state is dead on with mine, Ive been happy (my best friend from New York is down, having many good times) very angry....because I feel as if shes toying with my emotions, and utterly depressed and nearly suicidal...

Anyway I know that feeling of waiting and not hearing anything...I go through it everyday it seems, so I definitly feel your pain my friend and if you ever wanna chat im always open on icq :)
My girlfriend left me two days ago. We were about to go in holidays together, far away from where i live, but finally no.... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: she wasn't even sad....