Cause you Lie, Cheat and Steal

It depends on where you live: the smaller the place, the smaller the chances to meet people that will actually understand you and yhat you will understand. And keep away from the "popular" people and from people who crave for their attention. People who care for "the important people"s attention are dangerous backstabers. Search amongst the geekish and scary people. Well, these are usually the type of pêople I look for when I search for friends...
actually, that's who i look for as well....i am fully aware of the danger of the "popular people". my friend went from being a metalhead to being into pop and hip-hop (much to my dismay) so ive learned from his mistakes...and ive always had friends, so it's not like ive never been around people, but i just have been feeling detached from people at large lately
Originally posted by The Nomad
But you have a gf now, don't you? But, yeah, when I was initally dating my first gf, I had trouble with it. For me, it's a friendship with benefits... it doesn't have to start as a friendship, but if one doesn't develop, I'd say something's wrong. At least that's how I view it...

Yes, I technically have a girlfriend, but it's an online relationship, which is hard to deal with.

I understand how you feel darkfall14. I may be younger, but I still know what it's like. And I have friends that listen to different music, but they're actually nice to me, and I don't know why. I just say that if you're my friend, good, if not, good. Because those that want to be friendly to me deserve my friendship, and those that don't want my friendship, I can't make up their minds. Though, I can't say I hate anyone... I can only dislike a lot. Anyways, I hope you're happy with who you are, and never let go of yourself. Because if you're happy, good, always be that way!

As for me, my right ear is deaf or something, and it sucks. I think it's an ear infection, but I don't know. I woke up this morning, and it was like that. :erk: :mad:
yea, deadwinterdead, we seem to be in the same boat in life...i dont have deafness in one ear, but i had a botched dental procedure, so now i have chronic jaw pain, so im on meds 24-7. hehe...if were in the same boat, we should burn it! :lol:
ninel - having read what you've written I'd say that whatever blame there is lies solely with your parents. It really pisses me off when people have kids and don't want to do right by them. Parents don't realise the damage they do through their own selfishness. Dump the pills, get some herbs to cure you and go for whatever you want in life because you can have it if you want it bad enough :) Nothing is impossible.
As long as the herbs I should get aren't "weed". I went to the hospital last time I touched that shit, I dunno why, but I get that strangling feeling and intense paranoia each time I take some of it....

I was going to do a 90 minute bike ride today. But I wanted to get my tires pumped to 90 psig, since I know they're usually way below that. But I couldn't get the pump to attach to the front valve... so I replaced that tube. And I heard a leaking noise from the valve-stem. Nuts.

Took the tube back out, checked it for leaks... it's ok. Put it back in, and it did the same thing, but I was able to figure out why. But by then it was 1830, and it's too dark by 2000 to ride properly (I don't have a light on my race bike... and I won't install one). Nuts. I left work early (and I have much to do!) just to do this ride to prepare for the race on Sunday. Now I have to leave early tomorrow too so I can ride then.

fuck a duck.
Originally posted by darkfall14
yea, deadwinterdead, we seem to be in the same boat in life...i dont have deafness in one ear, but i had a botched dental procedure, so now i have chronic jaw pain, so im on meds 24-7. hehe...if were in the same boat, we should burn it! :lol:

Heh heh, scaeam with me, "BURN DOWN THE BOAT! BURN DOWN THE BOAT!" :lol:

@Nomad: That has got to suck. I hope you do good in the race, and are prepared for it. You seem to know what you're doing.
ARGH! I'm really happy, but also a little sad....
I went with a friend of mine from work to this
gig tonight, but he had to catch the train
around 1am. We were both pretty sure the
last band would've finished by then, but it
turned out the show started 1,5 hours later
than we thought. He got to see two songs
from the band I took him with me to see, and
then he had to leave :o/

I sort of feel it's my fault, even though it isn't....
Grrrr! SUCKS!
I have a medical appointment tomorrow at 1230. But I'm not allowed to eat today. And assuming that the thing ends at 1400, that's 41 hours of fasting. nuts.

Well, I am allowed to drink clear liquids: Tea & coffee, soda, clear juices (non-citrus), jello (not red), and water. And I can only take so much jello (not too much).

Ah well, I'm leaving work damn early today...
how good that this thread exists...yesterday,my boyfriend broke up with me,and i don´t know what i should do now...i was so shure,that our relationship is wonderful...6 months...
Originally posted by Nova
how good that this thread exists...yesterday,my boyfriend broke up with me,and i don´t know what i should do now...i was so shure,that our relationship is wonderful...6 months...

Urgh...that sucks.... Especially since you thought
everything was fine... It's like he wasn't even
interested in working with the "issues" or
whatever it was that bothered him....

I hope for the best "recovery" for you. Pay a lot
of attention to yourself, and just give yourself
what you need :o)
how good that this thread exists...yesterday,my boyfriend broke up with me,and i don´t know what i should do now...i was so shure,that our relationship is wonderful...6 months...

That's no good news. I dunno what to say...unfortunatly, from how bad my relation with my boyfriend has gotten now, well, I think I'll post the same fucking shit on the board.. But, I don't need that constant reminder to know how you feel, and I think it's pretty lame that anyone has to go through that.