Cause you Lie, Cheat and Steal

thanks all...i feel a little bit better today,but i still don´t knwo what i could say to him when he phones me next week...if i shouldn´t see him ever again or if we should try to stay "friends"...:cry:
before we´d broken up,we used to phone on monday and thursday.but know this won´t be ever he said that he´ll phone me next week.i have to let me surprise on which day...
ii hope that i won´t be jealous or agressive,but as i know me,i will be have to know,he didn´t broke up with me while we met but while we phoned...i couldn´t see him in the eyes...:cry:
Nova: If you both wish to stay friends, you should just take a break of each for a month, maybe 2. You should tell him that it is better for both of you to not talk together again untill you've stopped feeling anything else than friendship and healed the pain. Then, it will be the right time to go on as friends. Well, at least, this is how I've done it the last time(a year ago) and we're still friends and not suffering from the relationship since none of us wishes for more from the other.
but i´m afraid that a friendship between us would hurt me too much,because i would be so jealous if he has a new girlfriend...
but you´re right,the wounds are too fresh,and i have to wait.
but how long...
I'd say just wait as long as you need, wait until the feelings for him aren't there anymore. Then, you'll be able to be happy for him.

As for me, I've been in a pretty rough spot lately... One of the girls I used to like, she just told me she had a boyfriend last night. Another girl I like told me we shouldn't talk anymore, but now she's thinking about it. This other girl I like, I made her cry yesterday. So, I'm trying to take care of all of this, and it's ripping me apart.
@DeadWinterDead: Don't you think you should slow
things down a little? Three girls at the time? hehe...
I mean, how can you date one, but still really like two
others, and sort of want them too? I don't get that...

Really hope you sort things out :o)
@Nova: Thanks, I hope it turns out better for you too.

@Blackspirit: Well, that's the thing. Only one actually likes me back, and I know that if I actually go out with someone in person, it'll be easier to forget about those other girls. Yes, three girls at once is a bit much.

@Hilj: I'm part of that club. :cry:
Originally posted by Hiljainen
DWD: i hope things will go better for you :)
I have been out of the club for some days, now i'm back

:erk: Well, today I started school again. It was worse than I thought. I went in so hyper. I woke up at 3:15 AM, and I don't know why. I couldn't get back to sleep though. Well, when I got to school I saw all my friends from last year, got like a million hugs, and all that. Well, seeing all the couples together just brought me down. The summer itself has been pretty depressing, but school just brings me back. The memories haunting my every waking moment. It's just so weird. So all I did, was I tried to pretend like I was happy and really hyper. Well, I guess you can't always get what you want... :cry: