Cause you Lie, Cheat and Steal

Originally posted by Blackspirit :eek:(

I think it's really great that some of the people who posts
in the Nevermore forum has this in their sigs -->

"Rest In Peace- Renske Witzen "Ethereal Sadness"
September 25 1982- August 9 2002

The nevermore board will sorely miss you."

I read her goodbye thread and it made me cry, seeing this
was almost good, cause I wasn't sure if she was alive or not...

I never knew her, it was just a deeply touching part of This place is like no other :'o(

Wough, I passed this up somehow. The Link.
It would be a great time time to again remember this the week of the spirit's, or whatever you call it... Samhain etc.
For some time now I have set up a sort of shrine if you will the last week in October of all object's, liturature, picture's and thing's precous to me from those who have died and I place them on this old wood sectretariat passed down from my gr gr Rasmus, I try to set aside different day's in respect to the the spiritual realm.
I do not have any set way, but I like one day or so for Family, Friends, Pet's, Ghost Stories and such.
Originally posted by Hiljainen
I was born the 13th too, friday 13! And my birthday is a friday also this year, but not september, december :p
I wish I was born the 12th and not the 11th but of the thirteenth century and not the 20th:)
Just word playing. My Father and nephew and Grandfather are born the 13th and so 13 is the family # kinda, I guess I was born two day's early.
It's friday 13th today?!?!! Gaah, so that's why I happened to see a HUGE spider today!! :mad: I HATE spiders!!! Tonight I'll probably have horrible spider nightmares...... :cry: :cry:
Originally posted by The Nomad
I can't see Garmarna on Friday! :cry:

I was all ready to go, and now I find that a farewell party is planned for Becky on that day. I'm happy about the party, but almost any other day would've been better.

ah well.
Come to Mpls. Saterday then??? (Ya right, after a night of party) good Summit and James Page beer cheap.
I should think they'll be back, they have been many time's, it's cool that they play show's more place's in the U.S. now.
I have a similar problem, I have to miss both shows on Sunday, Kreator and Hedningarna.EFFINHEIMEN WORK:mad: !!!!
Originally posted by Hiljainen
I saw a huge one yesterday evening, and then it was very hard to sleep!!

I like spider's, but I remember being 4 or 5 and there was alway's a large spider that spun a huge web from one pillar to the next and I would dream of my head stuck in it's web.
Now I am just a spider with my head stuck on the web. lol
Originally posted by SonOfAbyss
Come to Mpls. Saterday then???

If I knew what Mpls was, I might even be able to respond...

But I apparently heard wrong... The party's the Following weekend, so all is well with the world now. I'm going to be bloody exhausted tomorrow because Brave doesn't start to play until 2230, and the venue is over 200 km away.

Hopefully my car doesn't break apart, because I'm apparently having cylinder misfiring problems...
Originally posted by Hiljainen
I saw a huge one yesterday evening, and then it was very hard to sleep!!

Actually I didn't dream of it.... Weird, cause I usually do.... But I did step lightly on the tip of my toes around where I saw it for the rest of the week-end. :-/ But if I had seen such a big one at home, when I was alone, I don't think I would manage to stay there anymore...
Ya I know what you mean, last weekend a large wolf spider or something similar made a web between my gate and I had to brush one side of the web down, and when I walked by there I seen her sitting there, and wondered when it got dark.