Opinions on how to frame my Maiden Ticket

Cool mate. Seems like Option 2 is getting the most attention though.

I emailed the framer guy and got a quote on Option 2. It will be $225 including GST.
I could get it down to $185 if I knocked 10cm off the poster height which is a bit hard to do.

I also emailed him an


To get a quote on. This may be too large but I dunno. See what he reckons.

How do ya's think this one compares to the ones above?
Haha, eat my ass and balls, funny thing was when they sang that bit I completely missed it as I was thinking of something dirty myself, hehe.

Option 3 I think, also. I kinda agree with the Ferret about how less is more works, but everytime I see those photos it gives me butterflies. I don't think there could be anything tacky about photos you have taken yourself (?) being on there.
You might remember that I got ticket number 666 for the 1st Sydney show. I got to keep the ticket and now want to get it framed. I bought a poster from the gig with the intention of framing it with the ticket (the poster is skinner than a normal one, but a little longer at 100mm).

So anyway, would love your opinions on what exactly I should do. I have done up these 2 in photoshop and dunno which one is better. Obviously #2 has photos but does it look visually appealing enough to include them? Any suggestions?

It is going to cost me a bit to get this done properly so I wanna make sure it'll look good before I give it to the framer.



In my opinion it looks shit hot, but if that was mine and my ticket was number 666 that black boarder you have would be in gold leaf just to bring out the gold in your ticket, well it is something special....:rock:

1 or 2 would look good but I would go the one with the photo's in it....:rock:
That'd be a hell of a lot of photos, and how could you be sure each photo is from each song? It's not as if they have a backdrop for each one.
Framing the tickets isn't a bad idea at all, especially because I have a metric fuckload (I believe that's the term) of spare frames hanging around. Granted, they're not number 666, but I do have 3 of them...

Spiff (or anyone else with some good quality photos), would you be able to send me some of the better photos you took?
From which show? First Sydney one was just two or three long shots, second Sydney show were a bit on the OK side and closer, and the best of the Brisbane show were those in my Brisbane review thread.
Heh. Well, those that I've posted are the best quality, unless I figure out how to make them prettier in Photoshop or something (I do hate Photoshop, I must say).
Yeah exactly, I dont think it matters.
But, all of those photos are actually from the 1st Sydney show which is where the ticket is from.
I also went to the 2nd Sydney show, so wouldn't have minded if they were from there either.

I got them off eBay. A pack of 20 shots and a pack of 30 shots.