Opinions on my new deathmetal project...

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
I just finished our homepage, check out www.facingdeath.se and download the songs. I got some great responses when I posted the www.subcyde.com demo, and I'd like the Sneapers to comment on my new project.

Here are the direct links:





Bad/Good comments are welcome as always! And write in our guestbook!!
Sounds good to me after the first time, reminds me a bit of The Amenta or Zyklon, I like the slow part at Facing Death when the hi-scream fades into the grunt.
Sounds cool, but there's something about the hi-hat that doesn't sit right with me, I can't quite describe what it is, but it just doesn't fit in with the rest of the drums.

Those vocals are evil as hell! very nice..

Guitars are fat, bass fills that low end very well, drums sound good as well man, i really love this stuff..

The point made about the hi-hats is a good one though, they sound too dry if you'd ask me.. and don't seem to fit in with the rest indeed..

No biggie, but good point!
Yikes, your webserver is getting slammed. I'll post about the music when I get back from the store.