Opinions on The Distillers?


I know this name sucks...
Apr 18, 2004
I personally love em. I first got into them around the time they released coral fang. i bought it the day it came out and I immediately thought it was a great record. Same for sing sing death house. I recently bought the first self titled album and at first i was a little disappointed. I quite enjoy it now but it took a few listens to get used to. What does everyone else think??
They are great in my opinion. The music is just straight raw punk and I love raw punk music. I could listen to them all day.
enchanted_nightmare said:
they ok i guess, but i keep thinking the lead singer sounds alot like Courtney Love??

Yeah she does, maybe a bit more manly/raw sounding tho. I think the Distillers are pretty rubbish, just more pop-punk for the masses. There only saving grace is the attractiveness of Brody :p