Orange 4x12 or VHT 4x12 cabs to go with 6505 ?


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
This if for my brother, he just got an amazing deal on a Peavey 6505, and now he needs a great cab, he mostly plays metal.

Orange cabs should be more warm and richier I guess, but VHT cabs (with Eminence P50E inside) look like they are beasts for metal !! I'm really curious about how it will sound with that VHT.
Hey Sly!

While I can't comment on the Orange 4x12, I did have a 2x12 that I didn't like at all. I was so surprised, because they are so praised around these parts. While it sounded pretty big, it had a "wooly" sound to it and the low end seemed very muddy for me. Maybe it was just an overwhelming "warm" low end, but it didn't work out well at all for tight, chunky metal that I like to play. Just my $.02.

I can't comment on the VHT, but from what I read they are voiced to work well with their own amps.

If I was your bro, I would look into something with the tried and true vintage 30s. Tons of options: Mesa, Randall, Avatar, Marshall, Framus, etc. etc.

Thanks Joe !

I heard VHT cabs work pretty well with 5150/6505 amps (Adam D really enjoys this setup especially from what I've heard). I'm a bit afraid of too much sizzle, harsh sound, but I'd love to try it. VHT cabs are an option because I can have one brand new from 800 euros (pretty chep here).
I heard 4x12" Orange cabs are very good, not as muddy as the 2x12" (as you noticed). I don't know if Orange cab + 5150 would be "too warm" or not.
Mesa are a good option of course !
Dude I have both cabs and they both sound completely different so it depends what you’re after. I also use the peavey 6505!

The VHT is razor sharp, bright with mega tight low end. It sounds very distinctive too, I must say I think there’s a lack of bottom end in the VHT, I usually find im almost maxing out the 6505 low to get a thud out of the cab but Im not into a lot of low end anyways so this suites me fine. If you like scooped mids this cab is not for you. The mid ranges are very alive in these cabs and sound very warm.

The Orange cab has allot more bottom end to play around with and I mean a lot more!
But it’s not as tight very boomy at times. The high end is also on a totally different level from the VHT still very smooth though, you want scooped mids you’ll get that from the orange it’s a very dark sounding cab very meaty lol. The Orange cabs weigh a bloody tone seriously its ridiculous!

You can’t go wrong with the vintage 30 speakers either. I’ve found the rhythm channel on the 6505 does not work well with the orange cab but works great with the VHT.

Both cabs can take a long time to break in so keep that in mind if you’re trying them out new! Because they will sound a lot different 3 months down the line.

Personally I would go for the VHT as it’s got its own unique sound.
From what I've heard, a Vader 4x12 is an amazing partner for the 5150. Also has custom designed eminence speakers, FWIW absolutely no lack of low end to speak of, ridiculously tight and massive sounding and very clear. Also said to be very versatile. Needless to say, I want one! They just recently got EU distribution and I'm pretty sure the 4x12 is about 790 euros. Worth a look i'd say.
The Orange cab has allot more bottom end to play around with and I mean a lot more!
But it’s not as tight very boomy at times. The high end is also on a totally different level from the VHT still very smooth though, you want scooped mids you’ll get that from the orange it’s a very dark sounding cab very meaty lol. The Orange cabs weigh a bloody tone seriously its ridiculous!
+1 from a fellow orange owner. They are extremely nice cabs with massive low end but they weigh a ton :erk:
I use a 5150 with an orange 4x12 and love the sound I get. Love the orange cab generally! Records really nicely! Yours weigHs a ton?try putting it in a flight case! My back hates me
Well massive low end in the same sense that having your monitors touching your desk (rather than decoupled with foam) gives you low end - it's just the surface resonating with them, which is not exactly a recipe for the tightest bass in the world (not to mention phasing issues from the vibrations traveling through the ground, up the mic stand, and into the mic, which I've had happen before when I had my 5150 combo on the floor before I wisened up). IOW, I would NEVER use the wooden rails while recording.
Well massive low end in the same sense that having your monitors touching your desk (rather than decoupled with foam) gives you low end - it's just the surface resonating with them, which is not exactly a recipe for the tightest bass in the world (not to mention phasing issues from the vibrations traveling through the ground, up the mic stand, and into the mic, which I've had happen before when I had my 5150 combo on the floor before I wisened up). IOW, I would NEVER use the wooden rails while recording.

Yeah, that could very well be why I didn't like my Orange 2x12. I was so psyched to get that thing, shame!

I second the recommendation for a Mesa cab! I'm gonna be buying a traditional very soon.

^ That cab is made of plywood though. Would like to hear some more opinions on this, cause I'm struggling to believe it would compete with higher end v30 equipped cabs just because of that at the moment.
All the best cabs are made of plywood dude, the only solid-wood cabs I know of are Krank's. Whether or not the Harley Benton is "marine-grade baltic birch" (blah blah blah...) is another story, but otherwise it seems to match up with the best spec-wise.
Ah fair enough. Must have confused plywood with something else.

I wonder why its so cheap then.