ORANGE PPC212 2 x 12 Cabinet

Well I know Greyskull will chime in and give some short-and-sweet deadpan affirmation, such as

"mesa boomy, orange amazing"

or "best cab ever"


But in all seriousness, I've heard they're freakin' fantastic - I went for a Bogner 2x12 though because of it's larger size and included casters (and cuz it doesn't look so goddamn 60's :puke: )
Dunno about the front grille cloth (doesn't look removable, though), but I have no doubt that you'll love the cab! Enjoy dude.

Oh, and thanks for the samples man!
Well, I have the an Orange PPC412 cab (in black) and it does sound very nice in a room but it don't really like the way it tracks.

Has this harsh upper mid peak that is a bitch to EQ out. The cab has a very dominating sound, so the EQ of the amp does not have as much effect as with some other cabs. I have had it for almost a year and for some things it sounds good, but...

A while ago I got myself a brand new Mesa Rectifier cab which sounds awesome when you throw a mic infront of it, and it sounds killer in a room too! To my ears the Mesa just sounds a lot, I mean a lot better. Smoother, chunkier etc.

So even if the internet-guitar virtuoso gurus say that the Orange cabs smoke every other cab out there, it just isn't the case. A case of mass-suggestion... Don't get me wrong, it sounds great in a room, and I got nice results with it, but there really is a reason why the Mesa Rectifier cab has been on countless of albums.

I usually get s**t when I say I don't like the Orange cab, but what the hell, it just ain't for everybody.
Hmm, interesting to hear you say that TomiR - was this Rectifier cab you got a 2x12 or a 4x12? And if it was a 4x12, was it traditional (standard sized) or standard (oversized)?
guess ill find out but as per usual alot of it has to do with the head and guitar your using, everyone gives praise to the VHT fat bottom 4x12 but i can tell you right now stick a 6505 in front of that and its a fuckin mess!

haha and yes i used a tube screamer infront of that!

anyways im just up for a change if the orange doesn't work out its no big deal ill grab another cab and try that out

oh i did try the engl cab version v with the v30s it sounded shit
so muddy!

guess its a case of going through the lot im extremely picky was actually temped to try the framus cobra line but spotted the sexy black orange cab with v 30s and could not resist

ill post some impulses of this cab!


not being a cunt but i prefer 2x12 cabs to 4x12 there always more focused
Well I know Greyskull will chime in and give some short-and-sweet deadpan affirmation, such as

"mesa boomy, orange amazing"

or "best cab ever"


But in all seriousness, I've heard they're freakin' fantastic - I went for a Bogner 2x12 though because of it's larger size and included casters (and cuz it doesn't look so goddamn 60's :puke: )

However did you know???
Orange 2x12= mint
orange 4x12=more mint.

In fairness to the mesa cab; i have no idea what speakers were in it. sounded nice in the room but didnt work for me with a mic on it....
I think thats fairly objective?:heh:
Hmm, interesting to hear you say that TomiR - was this Rectifier cab you got a 2x12 or a 4x12? And if it was a 4x12, was it traditional (standard sized) or standard (oversized)?

Both of the cabs are 4X12" and the Mesa cab is the standard oversize one.

But yeah, tone is always a very subjective thing so you might love the Orange cab, but it's not a universally awesome sounding cab like some people say.

So yeah, apples and oranges.
I have the ppc 412 and I'm happy with it. It's freakin' heavy to carry and I've heard the same thing about the 2x12. It's a great cab if you're in to a heavy rock sound, or an aggressive hardcore sound but it's very mid-heavy, so I won't recommend it for your everyday metal tone.
guess ill find out but as per usual alot of it has to do with the head and guitar your using, everyone gives praise to the VHT fat bottom 4x12 but i can tell you right now stick a 6505 in front of that and its a fuckin mess!

haha and yes i used a tube screamer infront of that!

I used my Triple Recto and 6505 with the cab, with guitars ranging from a Schecter Hellraiser C-7 to a Gibson Les Paul Standard.

I totally agree with Let it burn.. it is very mid heavy, so it's not really suitable for everything, but for somethings, it is great.
I have the ppc 412 and I'm happy with it. It's freakin' heavy to carry and I've heard the same thing about the 2x12. It's a great cab if you're in to a heavy rock sound, or an aggressive hardcore sound but it's very mid-heavy, so I won't recommend it for your everyday metal tone.

im picking up a flight case for it this weekend.
my back is going to hate me
excellent ive got a pritty strict style of playing guitar
i play through my 6505 crunch channel mostly live and only have the gain just past half way

i never palm mute! ever!

none of my bands songs incorporate palm muting its all open playing
so the deal with the mids sounds like it may be in my favour

ive always had an issue playing big open chords and having it sound mushy because of scooped mids

hmm if i could explain my style it would probably be close to a band like borknagar

its fun trying out new gear anyways

any clips anyone ?