Best 2 x 12 Cabinet for a Peavey 6505 (for recording)?

Thanks for the wonderful in-depth analysis man, really insightful! I can't listen to your clip til later today as I'm at work right now and there's a voice casting in the next room... Boring! But I will tonight.

I've been seriously thinking about going for a 2x12, in fact, an ENGL Pro. I'll take a look at the Genz Benz too buddy, I think the tightness of a 2x12 would be a quality I would really value. If I can get a balance between that and meatiness then great.

Oh yeah, noob type question here, just want to make sure, with a 120watt head, I will be fine with a 120watt cab right?...
The Genz Benz enclosures are very nice, but I'm not a fan of their speakers. I bet a ported Genz Benz 2x12 with v30s could sound great, but I've not heard it myself.
OK so I just listened to the clips... Sound awesome man! When you hear them in the mix they sound x10 times better than on their own, you're right there's untamed resonance, and could do with a bit more brightness, but the meatiness is full on man! love it :) OK, I'm getting a 2x12...

ps. the clip was very trivium ;)
The Genz Benz enclosures are very nice, but I'm not a fan of their speakers. I bet a ported Genz Benz 2x12 with v30s could sound great, but I've not heard it myself.

They are a generic make of the GT-75T, same speakers that are in the Marshal 1960 and few others, some people prefer that tone over the v30's, as some people absolutley love v30's some absolutly hate them. I guess you could say that the speakers aren't as great as the real deal, but the enclosures more than compinsate.

ps. the clip was very trivium ;)

it IS Trivium :lol:

I did change the eq of when they were on their own and then in the mix
Hey AshM, I want to make more excuses (becuase that is what I do). You will notice my mix sounds pretty thin and tinny overall, so don;t jusdge the character of the guitar tone by that to commercial releases (in particular trivium) since most of them use some sort of analog outboard gear or emulators, tube or tape saturation. I did not use any of that and as a result the mix is pathetically ditigal and really sterile, I could go back and add some analog saturation but I think I am beating a dead horse and am being too picky since as you said you were impressed. Maybe my bitching should go over to some other thread or something on rate my tones to have it highly critiqued lol.

And yea i have heard nothing but bad things about the Framus cabs, especially the dragon 212. I still want to try out a Mesa 212 Recto and the Steve Via Legacy 212, I have a Carvin store like 5 minutes away, but no decent mesa dealers for miles, might as well drive all the way down to Mesa HQ's in LA
^ Sexy cab, have contemplated buying it myself, but then I have a question:

Why not this one:

As much as I hate the look of vertical 2x12 cabs, wouldn't the vertical have more boom and less fizz. . . it's bigger (60x75x36cm).

And I guess it can be miced up more easily, since the upper speaker is naturally elevated from the ground (avoiding boominess caused by the proximity to the floor)?

Pls discuss: vertical 2x12 cabs - pros and cons if any?

Ultimately, though, I decided I'll be saving for this . . .
Actually I considered that one, but in the photos it looks like its kinda slanted which would make miking it up annoying. I did prefer that one due to its size, however, the 6505 (the head I have) is 67cm wide, this cab is 60cm wide so it would poke off the ends quite a bit.
Haha excuses excuses...

Na, I understand what you're saying man, what impresses me is it sounds good even without high end mix gear, tape saturation etc.

I won't be getting a Framus. I've decided, I'm getting this:


I spent some time after i posted the last clip to add some tape saturation, that adds a whole new level to the guitars and honestly sounds just as big as the 412s out there recorded. Tape saturation is a great thing.

That engl is the shit, if you are going to mic it, i would say to stand it up vertically and mic the top speaker, proximity effect, you get the weird resonate pumping bass like my clip had, as the result of the mic bbeing to far away from teh speaker relative to the ground and the ports at the bottom of the cab.
Yeah thats what I was planning on doing :)

Read on Andy Sneap's posts that he will always keep the cab away from walls and raise the speaker he wants to use as far from the floor as possible.

I recently bought Massey TapeHead, it's awesome! Tape saturation is amazing
anyone tried a brunetti dual cab? ( their 2x12) i cant afford a quality 412, and i can get a good deal with the brunetti, will mostly use for recording