Best 2 x 12 Cabinet for a Peavey 6505 (for recording)?

I gotta disagree, it was the recorded sound more than anything else that made me go for a 4x12 over 2x12, it just provides a greater amount of fullness IMO!
And the Randall XXL, despite the name, is actually more like the Mesa Stiletto than Rectifier, so I'd be a bit wary. In the case of the HB though I think the thinner wood/lighter weight actually works to its advantage, cuz clips I've heard of the Framus (which is apparently identical besides the grille and tolex) have sounded pretty good! (better than the Stiletto IMO)
OK, I'll look more into the fullness of a 4x12 :)

I guess it'll come down to whats available to me. My shortlist is - Orange PPC412, Framus FR Dragon or Harley Benton G412.

Thanks again guys!
either way, i dont recommend the Framus FR212 CB
all i can get out of it when i mic it up is fizz
OK, I'll look more into the fullness of a 4x12 :)

I guess it'll come down to whats available to me. My shortlist is - Orange PPC412, Framus FR Dragon or Harley Benton G412.

Thanks again guys!

412 thickness. I have to be inclined to complicate things quite a bit in your search but...IMO what is a 212 modern version of a marshall 1960 beefed up that sounds bigger, the Genz Benz G-Flex. From my reocrdings and big name recordings that use a 5150/6505 with a 1960 cab sound spot on. Pain in the ass to mic given the angled speakerboard, (takes a whole ten seconds longer to mic up, but the act of lining up the mic is weird). Huge sound, I have yet to play a cab that has impressed me more, but I still have Engl and Mesa Recto on my list to try out. I will be honest the GB sounds bigger than a 412, I had two of them stacked for awhile and it sounded bigger than any v30 412 full stack I have played.
412 thickness. I have to be inclined to complicate things quite a bit in your search but...IMO what is a 212 modern version of a marshall 1960 beefed up that sounds bigger, the Genz Benz G-Flex. From my reocrdings and big name recordings that use a 5150/6505 with a 1960 cab sound spot on. Pain in the ass to mic given the angled speakerboard, (takes a whole ten seconds longer to mic up, but the act of lining up the mic is weird). Huge sound, I have yet to play a cab that has impressed me more, but I still have Engl and Mesa Recto on my list to try out. I will be honest the GB sounds bigger than a 412, I had two of them stacked for awhile and it sounded bigger than any v30 412 full stack I have played.

Ah man! Too many options! :guh:

I was just looking at marshall 1960's actually, thinking what about them. I've never actually heard of Genz Benz, sounds interesting :) So in your experience a 212 GB sounds bigger than 412 stacks?? Wow!

Where you from? I have a Framus Dragon for sale :)

Im from London :)

Out of interest, how much and what condition is it in? V30's yeah?
Ah man! Too many options! :guh:

I was just looking at marshall 1960's actually, thinking what about them. I've never actually heard of Genz Benz, sounds interesting :) So in your experience a 212 GB sounds bigger than 412 stacks?? Wow!

they have the same speakers as the 1960 and very similar dimensions, but a total higher level of build I have yet to see in a cab, minus the engl cabs but I have not seen them or played them. Becuase the cab is ported it puts out a lot of bass, although tight. One BG 212 cab sounds as big as a 412 and 2 of them put together, like i said, bigger and tighter than any v30 stack I have played to date. The bass is so over the top but so controlled, its awesome wo feel your whole house shake at extremely low volumes.
But do they sound good with a mic in front of them? ;) I have my doubts (but would love to be proven wrong!)
But do they sound good with a mic in front of them? ;) I have my doubts (but would love to be proven wrong!)

well of course you have to bring your bass down, but there is still a ton of it when mic'd, but unlike most cabs, you can have more becuase its tighter. Hell i never have to worry about multiband compression. I just throw on some eq and I am good. The cab, or maybe my mic seems to have a strong 2.5k peak, which i scoop to oblivion on both my eq in the FX loop and on my DAW and everything smooths out. My tone is very similar to bands who use the 6505/5150 with a 1960 cab setup, Machine Head, Trivium etc.
I can try, forgive the plastic sounding high end, I have a cheapo preamp which pisses me off becuase I can't capture the realness and three demensional space. I don;t have drum anymore, I updated to XP service pack 3 and it crashed most of my programs and they won't delete so I can reinstall them, hell SP3 won't even delet itself. So there won;t be a mix, just dual tracked guitars. While I am doing that feel free though to go to the linjks in my signature, the myspace has a soundclick widget, chekc out the track "silence" this was recorded before I added my rack eq in the FX loop and beofre I started eqing out the annoying 2.5k area.

sounds like it needs some multiband compression, the bass is really pumping at a particular frequency, I think its my room since it has some crazy bass resonance the same frequencies I have had issue with trying to mix when I was using impulses. Gain is up pretty high and it is kind of bright but I was aiming for the actaull tone on the album.
I will's a bit of an update. I decided to pull out teh samples I made form AD some time ago and sequenced it in Fruity loops, along with the chimira toms. Added some bass and now you have a full mix to see how they sound. IMO not that great but considering I used a condenser mic which schokmount is so huge the diaphram of the mic is a good 4 inches away from the grill and I havn't been using the mic for long, to compensate for the peak in the bass region and soem of the hollowness that is a reslut from my room's acoustics and less than stellar mic setup, i bumped the highs up so in comparison to the album's tone, the resonance of my tone is a bit higher. But of course it will have a higher resonance becuase it is a 212 cab, however it is an oversized cab (its pretty deep and a hell of a lot taller than most 212's)
I will's a bit of an update. I decided to pull out teh samples I made form AD some time ago and sequenced it in Fruity loops, along with the chimira toms. Added some bass and now you have a full mix to see how they sound. IMO not that great but considering I used a condenser mic which schokmount is so huge the diaphram of the mic is a good 4 inches away from the grill and I havn't been using the mic for long, to compensate for the peak in the bass region and soem of the hollowness that is a reslut from my room's acoustics and less than stellar mic setup, i bumped the highs up so in comparison to the album's tone, the resonance of my tone is a bit higher. But of course it will have a higher resonance becuase it is a 212 cab, however it is an oversized cab (its pretty deep and a hell of a lot taller than most 212's)

Sorry for the short response.. But from what you've said I have to ask, do 2x12's have more resonance?? I did not know this :( Maybe I should 100% go for a 4x12 then?
Sorry for the short response.. But from what you've said I have to ask, do 2x12's have more resonance?? I did not know this :( Maybe I should 100% go for a 4x12 then?

by resonance I mean the frequency that the cabinet resonates at is a higher pitch than say a larger structer. The larger the cabinet the lower the resonant pitch. This contributes to the fact that most people will tell you that 212's are tighter than 412's where 412's have more meat. But again most will say this is pretty small when you stick a mic right up to the grill. The difference is more of an in person thing. Like I said, the oversize of the Genz Benz gets it closer in resonant pitch as a 412, it has a ton of air inside the cabinet than your typical 212, think of it as a recto 212 version of a 1960. The G-Flex has a pretty low resonance pitch which is why most who play it will say that it sounds as big as a 412, if not bigger than some, and this is very true, it is also a lot tighter that most. If you haven't taken a listen to my mix clip, take a listen and judge for yourself. The result of having a 212 is other than being tighter, because of having a higher resonance pitch, they cut through in mixes better. If you take a listen to my mix and then compare it to the real song, theirs will be meatier but get drowned in the mix, where with my clip, you notice that while being higher in pitch, the guitars cut through real well.

But to fill you in on resonance, the pitch is more influenced by the depth of the cab, in cabs like say the 1960, its pretty shallow, and as a result it has a moderatley higher resonace pitch than a Mesa recto cab, which is pretty deep. Resonance is a good thing, its the pitch of it and how loud it is that makes the "tone" of different cabinets, even though they have the same speaker. If you were to play a Mesa Recto and compare it to a Engle XXL Pro, even though they both have v30's in them, they won't sound the same because the structer and demensions of each cabinet will result in a differnet frequency responce and a zone in the lower fundamental register that becomes more dominate.

take a listen to the clip yourself and you be the judge, while it may not be the best tone wise (I am not Mr. Sneap), it gives you an idea of what to expect tonewise form a 212, in particular, the G-Flex. Also remember in that clip the untamed resonance is a result of having extremely poor acoustics in my room and having the mic a good 4 inches away from the grill, which will naturally sacrifice some of the "beef" in the tone and have a higher concentration of the upper mids.

Also check oiut the user review for the g-flex on musiciansfriend and see what others say about it. And I highly recommend that you compare my clip to others with 412 cabinet in the rate my tone forum so you can get and idea. Just use your ears. You will notice (at least I do) that my clips sound just as thick and meaty as 90% of the dudes here with 412s, if not better. It comes down to how you mic your amp, what mic you use, how you eq. Just use your ears (and your wallet) to judge.