ORANGE PPC4X12 Speaker Cabinet : First impression = buyers remorse

Tell you what... you guys make me want to buy a Mesa OS that's for sure!!

But they're fucking expensive in the UK. Almost a grand!

Current list prices in Finland:
MESA ROADKING 4X12" € 1431


Still, our guitarist and I decided that the Krank cab goes and he's going to get a Mesa cab at some point. Probably can't keep both..
Orange PPC4x12 cab 2 week impression:

Still with the X pattern described above, I like this cab a lot more than before. I've had the chance to move it around a bunch and that made a difference. The previous location may have had some acoustic issues that clashed with the Orange. I also played a lot with EQ, making very subtle changes which turned out nice.

For the most part, the cab sounds more focused, forward, and upper mid-range present. I assume it will cut more although I still haven't recorded it or jammed in a band scenario, so I can't vouch for those situations.

However, I was actually able to return it. Not because I was unhappy with it, but because it was actually damaged when I got it. 2 weeks ago, I would have definitely exchanged it for a Mesa, but now I am kind of torn and want to buy the cab again.

Before shipping it off, I did have a chance to listen to it with V30's again, but I think I still prefer the X pattern with the g12t-75's and V30's. The v30 setup sounded more standard as far as current metal goes, but the X pattern setup goes a bit better with my sound (and then again, I can mic either to taste), which could possibly be just a different cup-o-tea that isn't for everybody.

Unfortunately, this time around, I was unable to do this final comparison at super high volumes, which could produce different results. If I buy, the Orange again, I'll start all over!

Man, I want this cab again now... but IT'S SO DAMN HEAVY! A total b*tch to pack by myself and get down the stairs... Totally brutal... To be honest, that's actually this cab's biggest drawback. Be prepared to get help carrying it!